λ² Buggy

Author Topic: λ² Buggy  (Read 25022 times)

Lambda²? :/


The game itself is called Half Life 2 and since gordon is an scientist... there isn't really a reason for the formula λ², now is there?
I mean, the Half-Life itself has another meaning than Lambda.
The half-life of a quantity whose value decreases with time is the interval required for the quantity to decay to half of its initial value. For example, if you take 1/2 out of any number, it will never reach 0.

1/2 of 2 is 1
1/2 of 1 is 0.5
1/2 of 0.5 is 0.25 and on and on and on...

Need to be in chemistry to understand
 Also, i was just trying to make this symbol

from λ²
Its from λ²
I think you like the fact it's from λ²

THE MOST AWESOME BUGGY FOR BLOCKLAND I EVER SEEN(is best than a stunt and racing bugy¬¬)

I learned what Half-Life means in science before chemistry...
I do think this is a nice buggy too :D

D: not showing up for me in add-on list OR in game.
(And i installed it correctly, im SURE of that)

it's like a stunt buggy with more mass and less sucky suspension. yay  :D
I was playing on GSF Paradise with it earlier. Very fun.

im not making up stuff im telling you i did that on a diferent site
Gmod isn't a site. :\

Gmod isn't a site. :\
lol. you replaced  λ² with ?².

lol. you replaced  λ² with ?².
Meekl, I think you just quoted the wrong post

I release things that have no use to me. I was considering to make a cbrown town DM map but  too lazy. If I were to make the cbrown town, I would of never released this.


cool not download ing till the turret gun on the side is added

well made the suspension is adjusted to just soft enough to use it around the tuitorial lvl and the making of roll cage is AWESOME