Author Topic: Don't Flame.  (Read 1854 times)

You're no Martin Luther King Jr.
To be fair, he did have the advantage of not being an idiot.

This happens to me a lot for no reason

This happens to me a lot for no reason
No reason? You start stuff all the time with people man that right there is a reason.

This happens to me a lot for no reason
You come into my server and you shout out "I'M 9! HOW ABOUT YOU!"

Also, what REALLY needs a drama topic is when people say "DONT FLAME PLZ!"

When did I shout "I'm 9, How about you?"

When did I shout "I'm 9, How about you?"
Oh wait, it was your server full of spam.

*starts a fire with two sticks*

there now i got around the loop hole

To be fair, he did have the advantage of not being an idiot.
This is what happens. I say one thing out of line, and someone comes up and makes some sly comment so that they can get a laugh and feel proud of themselves. That wouldn't be described as flaming if your a well known player. Weird, isn't it?
I even used to know rkynick. Well, I went to his servers alot, way better than Rykuta's servers, anyway. I guess that means I sure forgeted up on the "Be a nice player so maybe at some point someone will respect me in the tiniest way possible."
Bet you a dollar someone will make a comment in the lines of "Cry somewhere else, friend." Then after that go do other things, forgetting what you posted.
The forums are as cracked up as they should be, I suppose.

This is what happens. I say one thing out of line, and someone comes up and makes some sly comment so that they can get a laugh and feel proud of themselves. That wouldn't be described as flaming if your a well known player. Weird, isn't it?
I even used to know rkynick. Well, I went to his servers alot, way better than Rykuta's servers, anyway. I guess that means I sure forgeted up on the "Be a nice player so maybe at some point someone will respect me in the tiniest way possible."
Bet you a dollar someone will make a comment in the lines of "Cry somewhere else, friend." Then after that go do other things, forgetting what you posted.
The forums are as cracked up as they should be, I suppose.

Power to the people.  :cookie:

Power to the people.  :cookie:
Woah you didn't say a cry post.
I'm impressed.

Be Nice Guys.

-n0cturni  Sum 'ol bullstuff, rite hurr.

Be Nice Guys.

-n0cturni  Sum 'ol bullstuff, rite hurr.

You start stuff all the time with people man that right there is a reason.
The grammar in this sentence makes me want to strangle you. I had to read it five times to understand.