


Author Topic: Randomguy and Jetpuff's citadel  (Read 2640 times)

That's a Lordy Lord on dat roof!


Well, it seems as though most people I asked said to use the first one because it fits with the build, so I'm going with it. Here's a picture of progress so far (Jetpuff is helping).
It looks like Jet is not helping but doing all of it :P

I can't build while taking a screenshot. :(

Surprisingly, I might have done most of it, which isn't like me when building with another person.

Awesome dude, keep up the great building. :)

Ref misses BL. :/

Nice build.

Ref misses BL. :/

Nice build.
What's wrong with your computer anyway?

What's wrong with your computer anyway?
Didn't RandomCaps blow it up?

What's wrong with your computer anyway?
There's a "bad" file somewhere on my hard drive, so
my computer went into this mode that won't let me use most
of my programs.  sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss, yip.

There's a "bad" file somewhere on my hard drive, so
my computer went into this mode that won't let me use most
of my programs.  sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss, yip.

You can access your files with your browser by going to "C:\", most of the time.

Have you tried installing again? Or try accesing it with the start menu?

You can access your files with your browser by going to "C:\", most of the time.
Still does not work.  We are just going to have to clean the computer out.

I can't build while taking a screenshot. :(

Surprisingly, I might have done most of it, which isn't like me when building with another person.
I was kidding...