Author Topic: The EasyToon topic  (Read 15904 times)


You might want to go in and make his cape move as he's firing as well, it looks like you kind of forgot about it when you started doing the bullet. I do that a lot. :/


Yeah, I'm to tired to make quality stuff right now. I should probably get some sleep.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 12:55:50 AM by Regulith »

the switchblaed! (stiletto, mind you.)
i'm not that good, it's kinda slow...
also of you want to use as an avatar, it's resized to 75X75. just ask me first if you want to use it as an avatar.


lower TBF is better. Try setting yours lower. It looks nice.

Time Between Frames

haow 2 easy toon :O

Just made that one.
You can use that as a avatar if you want. (to everyone)

And fixed up the sniper one:
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 04:36:25 AM by MtnDew »

hey mtn, your new sniper thing, its a tad too fast. up the tbf like 3 or 4

I made one, but it plays backwards. :(

I didn't know we started from the end and went to the start?

IF you can remake Omega's box you win 1 interwebs.

new ones guyz

uhh... is that good? i don't get it.

Lol, I think he ment the switchblade acted like it had an erection. Or, He had an erection looking at it.

IF you can remake Omega's box you win 1 interwebs.


Also, people sappin' my knife flipping Spy idea. >:|