The Beach Pwned Me

Author Topic: The Beach Pwned Me  (Read 1085 times)

Here's a step by step demonstration of what happened:

I was body surfing on a wave.

The wave was a little too strong.

I flipped over.

My face hit the sand and scraped it


I kept rolling.

I lifted up and slammed on my back.


Now my face has scabs, but my backs okay.

And for people who think I'm a wimp for being cut up by sand, wet sand is a non Newtonian fluid.

In other words, with pressure, it acts like a solid, with no pressure, it acts like a liquid, and that sand is hard as a rock (:3) when you slam into it

Ouch. I love body surfing though.


Jk, I feel your pain brother, I do...

Could have been worse, could have hit your berries.

Damn! That sand is like when you mix that baking soda stuff with starch and it's solid with pressure upon it and liquid with no pressure. I want that sand :3

Could have been worse, could have hit your berries.
Now that would of been a memorable moment in his life.

Could have been worse, could have hit your berries.
If they existed

Could have been worse, could have hit your berries.
My family jewels cringed when I read this.

It´s like you have never been to the beach. (Insert Tougne sticking out face here)
I´ll reply when I get home.

Could have been worse, could have had your mother raped and killed, your father taken hostage and your house burned down by a drunk teen thinking it is fun to live in burning buildings..