
What do you hate in blockland?

Perminate bans on the IRC client
1 (2%)
19 (38%)
5 (10%)
pointless bans
14 (28%)
dead servers
11 (22%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Author Topic: What do you hate in blockland?  (Read 1510 times)

Vote at the top

servers are only dead when people don't know how to port forward.
that's not really a blockland issue.

i don't hate any of those things

Console. That starfish hacked my server.

who hacked you?
and what did the console have to do with it?

Permanent Bans on IRC; That has nothing to do with Blockland, If you get banned from IRC then you deserve it and can't blaim it on Blockland

Spam; Spam has nothing to do with the game itself either, Spam is simply the chose or mischose of another player. Not Blocklands fault.

Console; I have no idea how the Console can make you hate Blockland. Unless you started putting in random crap, and it decided to break your Blockland, in which case, it is entirely your fault.

Pointless Bans; Same as Spam, that is the person who is Admins decision and fault, not Blocklands.

Dead Servers; That's the person who is trying to host a servers fault, Either he has failed to Forward his ports, or is having a problem with his Internet Connection, or you are.

'Dead Servers' is the only option that could actually go directly to Blockland itself, but only so far as there is a problem with the Master Server, but I don't think you can blame that on Blockland the game, more the computer hosting the Master Server....I think.

I agree, however I have to expand.

Perminate bans on the IRC client - If you can't spell permanent then you shouldn't be on IRC. Plus, that's RTB. Not blockland.
Spam - Ban them.
Console - How the hell would you hate that? Besides handicaps telling you to type in things like deleteDatablocks(); it's only helpful.
pointless bans - Go to a server that doesn't suck.
dead servers - Lern2port forward.

I voted dead servers lol

Spam or dead servers, I want a dead server filter, well I could just turn the ping filter on but..

i hate you.

just kidding. dont even know you

Lol, he added the console to the poll.

Lag- Alot of Detail in the map. Zombie mod slowed down loading.

Spam- Like all the noobs do on blockland

(OMG WIN!!  :iceCream: :iceCream:   :cookie: X700000)


Horrible Grammar / Spellers- (how do u doo tht?) (stooopid) (No U) Roblox Members are examples trying but failing to flame correctly.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 01:33:24 PM by CrazyAwesomeDarkness »

I hate all the differnt versions some versions there are differnt wepions ,veacles ETC... its annoying!!!

I hate all the differnt versions some versions there are differnt wepions ,veacles ETC... its annoying!!!
Um... what?