Author Topic: Angus Ghost  (Read 949 times)

Someone joined my server. And I crashed a moment later, this is what the console read:

What is an angus ghost?

Well, there is an Angus Steak, so... a ghost of a cow?

Jk, I really don't know...

Also, I don't want to start another topic, what is the damage type for falling/Self Delete?

What like in a mini game? I think it's Killing Yourself or Dying...

Also, I don't want to start another topic, what is the damage type for falling/Self Delete?
Falling damage?

I remember reading somewhere  that an angus ghost is an instance of a player that no one has control over, like a bot, I could be wrong though.

and i don't know what the damage type is, sorry.

That error occurs when you try to spawn a player yet %client.player already exists. It's due to broken Add-Ons - do you have the default minigames mod or anything like it?

I know, I fixed it. When you kill yourself, or die by falling damage (if you are the VIP) the instant respawn in the random VIP code you helped me with will break and crash. I scheduled random VIP on VIP's death about 2.5 seconds after they die. It's from the VIP gamemode I'm working on. But I need to know for messages (since Self Delete registers yourself as the sourceclient, and falling damage doesn't have a sourclient) the damage type for falling/Self Delete so I can make different messages for them.


I remember reading somewhere  that an angus ghost is an instance of a player that no one has control over, like a bot, I could be wrong though.

and i don't know what the damage type is, sorry.
A ghost is a replica of the game objects on the clients computer.

When I committed Self Delete in-game, (mind you, I'm not suicidal) it left copies of me everywhere that had collision  :cookieMonster:


When I committed Self Delete in-game, (mind you, I'm not suicidal) it left copies of me everywhere that had collision  :cookieMonster:
Lol that use to happen when you did respawn loops in v9.

Look at the Cops and Robbers code for how I made the Robbers team auto-respawn after the minigame set spawn time.

I had problems with falling damage in an older version of Team Deathmatch. These are the replies I received from Badspot on the subject after messaging him:
%player.lastPusher is the clientID of the last person to apply an impulse to the player
When a player is pushed it records .lastpusher and .lastpushtime onto the victim object.  Then when a player dies it compares the .lastpushtime to the current time to see if they were pushed within the last second.  Something like this:
Code: [Select]
   if(%player.lastpushtime - getSimTime() < 1000)
      //player was thrown into a wall by someone
      //player was thrown by someone, but too long ago to count as a kill
   //player crashed into wall on his own