Author Topic: What angers you the most?  (Read 17087 times)

Im sure this topic has been done before, but I don't want to bump :/

Basically, just post what angers you the most

For example:
when your cat takes a crap all over your floor or when it falcon punches your dog in the face. twice.

Ill start:
When my mom says I can have someone over, then 2 days later when that person is on they're way over she says "oh nevermind we have plans".


why walk when i can hover

why walk when i can hover

No offence or anything but.


why walk when i can hover
[dunmer]Why walk when you can ride?[/dunmer]

when my mom says i cant play L4D TF2 and games like that because she thinks ill get nightmares :p

My mom thinks I will re act the stuff I do in GTA IV

My mom thinks I will re act the stuff I do in GTA IV

People who mispell the word tribal and you.

when my mom says i cant play L4D TF2 and games like that because she thinks ill get nightmares :p
My mom thinks I will re act the stuff I do in GTA IV
Lol you guys must be 10.

People who scratch stuff onto swimming pool changeroom-doors, etc.
I mean, what do you accomplish?
You only anger me!

Also, I
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE At Sonic and Mario at the olympics

People who say my name as Iblock instead of iBlock.

People who are conservative biblecigarettes.