Author Topic: What angers you the most?  (Read 16297 times)

i'm no hippy i got a haircut yesterday and people still think i look like one god i hate that....

Losing REPEATEDLY (?) !
Try getting better rather than continuing your mistakes and dying.

Television these days.

i'm no hippy i got a haircut yesterday and people still think i look like one god i hate that....

Try growing a snake, then.

I actually have something that angers me

[ img ][ /img ]

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« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 07:03:51 PM by Badspot »

People who think that because they had bad experiences at one location of a McDonald's means that every McDonald's sucks and everyone should hate them.  Same goes for any other place.

People who don't seem to understand that ordering seven items off the dollar menu means that it's seven dollars.  "It was cheaper last time!"

People who are for a controversial movement who try to get hate crime legislation passed.  Strike one, you are limiting free speech.  Strike two, it's okay for you to say I'm stupid if I don't follow your movement but it's not okay for me to say you are stupid because you follow your movement (this one especially applies to gay rights and such)?  Strike three, "hate crimes"'s definition grows larger and larger to soon go from (as an example) "i hate gays" to "i'm straight".

People who thinks theories are fact.

People who think something "must" have happened this way because they are so close-minded to any other interpretation.

People who look at the worst cases of extraordinarily stupid people who claim they are Christian (when they are obviously not) and then assume that every Christian acts like that and believes the same things.

News and media which purposely ignore breakthrough scientific evidence just because it doesn't support the current "consensus".  Ever heard of Mt. St. Helens?  Yes, of course!  Ever heard of Little Grand Canyon?  Thought so.

People who assume carbon dating is completely accurate and is the definitive evidence for evolution.  Do you realize how many times a specimen is dated before they come to the date that fits the theory?  It's not called science, it's called "repeatedly testing something with random variables, throwing out all the conclusions that we don't like, and if that doesn't work we'll just guess and if that doesn't work we'll just lie".

Stupid children's book pictures depicting the Flood as a bearded smiling guy with a cane on a little boat with a bunch of happy giraffes and elephants and whales and the sun shining.  This isn't even missing the point, this is just plain stupidity.

People who protest Prop 8.  I love how gays have fully embraced the democratic system all along because they could either flood the voting booths or intimidate the real voters.  Because that didn't work this time, they say that even though it was PASSED, by a vote OF THE PEOPLE, it should be thrown out.  They've enjoyed the system for so long, yet they are fully against it when it doesn't work out for their movement.

People who ignore every single freakin' piece of evidence against global warming, call things like the hockey stick graph "evidence", and can't remember that 40 years ago everyone was saying we were in the middle of global COOLING.

Mr. Zach for ruining great RATM songs with his constant swearing.  Same goes for Staind.

People who lose all respect for a person even though they have perfectly valid points, but before they said they didn't believe in global warming, or said they believed in Creation.

There's more hate against the supporters of Prop 8 than there is hate for gays themselves.  Just look here:
Starting from comment 7.

The freakin' DMCA.

The fact that my iTunes songs that I bought before the DRM was removed still have DRM.

Kids with long hair.

People with huge sunglasses.

Kids who think they are awesome at the guitar when they suck.

People who hate skaters just because the most publicized ones are the ones who act stupid.

People who think that The Office is just about Michael Scott.

People who rate games because of exterior factors and not because of the game itself (spore spore spore spore).  Although in that case the game kinda sucked anyways, so maybe that's not as good of an example.

People who flame you because you used a meme.  Now, unfunny memes are unfunny but there are some funny ones, overused or not.

Randall thinking he can use xkcd to ram his opinions down everyone's throat as fact.

Ziff Davis for removing the most treasured, most profitable, oldest and most revered piece of videogame journalism, Computer Gaming World.  How I hate them.

Idiot kids who don't get the fact that I was talking to them in movie quotes.  Not even kids old enough to know the movie I'm quoting.  I can't quote Platoon anymore because even people who've seen that movie are like "what?".

People who think being a Christian means being anti-semitic.

People who think the "Train" game is okay.

The girl who made the "Train" game.  Way to show respect to the people who lived through that by making it into a game.

SNL for ruining shows with great segments with other segments that are so bad or so inappropriate that you just can't watch.

People who think swearing will help get their point across.  If you aren't smart enough to make a convincing argument, why bother?

Mechanics who try to rip me off by saying they need to repair the "flux capacitor" or something equally stupid and/or non-existent.

Brits who think they have the best taste in music when all they are listening to over there is the other songs from 80's one hit wonder bands in the US.  Yet they have Radiohead, which makes up for it, I guess.

People who say "you don't know if you like it or not unless you try it", especially to drinking alcohol.  Hey, how about you lay down on the freeway sometime?  No?  You won't know if you like it or not unless you try it!

People who say the Autobahn isn't safe.

Okay I'm tired, and can't believe I just wrote all that.

tl;dr: i hate a lot of things

I am intolerant of people who are intolerant of others.

i'm the new guy? Your joking right? Ok lets see
Anti-Block: February 20, 2009
Mine: August 28, 2007

I joined 2 years earlier then he did. Way to count smart one.
I joined the forums a year after I joined blockland

Back to the topic at hand.
Oh and another thing that angers me is when someone ninja loots something you really wanted in a game. :/

Edit: I also played in RTB ( the old one not the new addon )
That's pretty much ID discrimination, thanks for being a prick.

Also, you've been REALLY inactive until a week or two ago.

That's pretty much ID discrimination, thanks for being a prick.

Also, you've been REALLY inactive until a week or two ago.

He's like that guy in M.A.S.H that got recruited like 2 years before but didn't show up for a long time and then when he got there he was like "hi guys i've been here the whole time".

People who assume that everyone that disagrees with them is an idiot.

Ignorant friends who jump at every opportunity to disprove scientifically proven things, where their idea is full of holes.

People who don't know what theories are; they are conclusions drawn from a series of facts.

Fact: The DNA of every animal is unique, and changes in each generation.

Fact: These mutations can help or hinder animals. Hindering animals gives them less of a chance of reproduction.

Fact: Changes in DNA are passed on from generation to generation through reproduction.

Therefore, animals change as a species over periods of time.

People who believe that beauty is not a man-made concept.

People who are so close minded that they do not support the right of people to love whom they wish, solely because a book tells them so. That book also tells people that women should not speak in church, and a woman who is not a virgin when married must be stoned to death. You can't pick and choose what to follow.

People who believe Catholics are not Christians.

People who are in denial about the need of change in the world, especially when it comes to energy needs and cleanliness. The world is heating up, more so than ever before.

People who believe a vote of the people is always fair. Bias runs rampant in communities, especially when regarding the rights of minorities.

when my mom says i cant play L4D TF2 and games like that because she thinks ill get nightmares :p
My mom says that becuase she is really protective. She thinks it can make me become murderer or something like that.

When people get arrogant.  That just ticks me off so much >:C (unless they are joking, I can usually tell when they are joking)

Also, when I'm trying to sleep and my fricken cat takes a dump in his litter box (which is kinda outside my room)