Author Topic: What angers you the most?  (Read 16364 times)

conspiracy theorists

Here we go

people that chew to loud
Vince Offer
Harry Potter fanboys
Potato peelers
Mario and sonic at the olympics
The Eragon movie
Cordon Blu Chefs
Mega Blocks
Butter nut squash
Whole wheat bagels
Hugh Jackman
Nerf guns
Diet soda
Girls that think they're fat but are skinny
Lumpy pillows
The catholic church

I think thats it :/

Dont judge me!

:( U2 rocks

I get angry at people that don't like U2
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 02:01:21 PM by Grumpy »

I hate the sound of breathing
I hate global warming stuff and I don’t believe it
I hate this laptop
I hate when my internet lags right before i finish a level and it kills me
I hate when my mom won’t let me stay up past 10 (I’m 13)
I hate when my mom wouldn’t let me play T games (I was 10)
I hate when my cat attacks me for no reason
I hate when bugs land on my eye
I hate when people act superior when they kill someone
I hate lag
I hate games that look awesome but I can’t play because my laptop sucks
I hate when I get spam mail
I hate when my dog doesn’t come when i call even tough she hears me
I hate my principal
I hate school
I hate homework
I hate when my mom DECIDES something and will not listen to ANYTHING ELSE because it HAS to be wrong
I hate When People Capitalize All The Words In Their Sentences
I hate when McDonalds gives me a empty freaking bag when I order something
I hate when my mom screams like a nutcase because I didn’t do something
I hate when I bring home a game and the disc is broken in half (happened 3 times form 3 different stores)
I hate when admin abusers ban me from a server that would have been fun except for the admins
I hate when people say something really stupid
This thing is glitching now so I’m done

i hate "i hate" spam.
he asked what angers you the MOST.
not a list of your hatreds.

I hate how my mom thinks almost everything is loud when the only thing that's really loud is her voice when she's talking to someone on the phone.

I hate how whenever my family, except my dad, talks about me and the computer the only game they refer me to ever playing is Blockland.

I hate Communism
I hate Tomatoes
I hate People who shove religion down your throat
I hate Dial-up
I hate mondays
I hate Jocks
I hate Immaturity
I hate Sleeping in
I hate Waiting
I hate Slow PC's
I hate Alcohol
I hate Tobacco
I hate Drugs
I hate Liberals who insist that Republicans are wrong
I hate PETA
I hate Vegans
I hate Being Sick
I hate Hospitals
I hate Russia
I hate Ireland
I hate Mexico
I hate Ohio
I hate My mother

I hate Communism
I hate Tomatoes
I hate People who shove religion down your throat
I hate Immaturity
I hate Slow PC's
I hate Alcohol
I hate Tobacco
I hate Drugs
OK, i'll have to agree with these.
I hate My mother