Author Topic: 2012 Zombie Apocalypse?  (Read 8475 times)

I just had this thought: what if the end of the world, was a zombie apocalypse? I think it would be kinda of cool. I've always wanted to kill zombies in real life. I know it would be kinda scary and of course it wouldn't be a good thing but hey, who doesn't want to beat a few zombies with a shovel or something?

That's what makes Dead Rising my favorite video game :D

what if you're one of the zombies in the apocalypse, hmm?

It wouldn't happen because It wouldn't. Maybe eventually, but not right away. Besides I took a quiz on facebook that told me I would survive a zombie apocalypse so HA!

what if you're one of the zombies in the apocalypse, hmm?

Even awesomer...

Well ur dead so.

It wouldn't happen because It wouldn't. Maybe eventually, but not right away. Besides I took a quiz on facebook that told me I would survive a zombie apocalypse so HA!

because facebook is always right

It would only be cool if I got to be the hunter  :cookieMonster:

It would only be cool if I got to be the hunter  :cookieMonster:
What if I was only like half infected so I was human but I could jump around like the hunter? o:

Anybody up for some real-life L4D in 2012, if it somehow happens?

Anybody up for some real-life L4D in 2012, if it somehow happens?
I'd be :( if all my friends died and stuff.
But if we're like, epic survivors who don't get infected just killed, then I'll bring some pills to wherever you are.

If the Apocalypse really did happen, I would hope it would be something like Fallout3, at least humanity has a chance at survival. Those damn zombies are dead bro, they can tell what chu be thinkin!

because facebook is always right
I was kidding :P

Anybody up for some real-life L4D in 2012, if it somehow happens?


Anybody up for some real-life L4D in 2012, if it somehow happens?
Peels at my local Walgreens!