Author Topic: DOF Screenshots  (Read 1029368 times)

Hosting boulder dash again.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 09:22:17 PM by Redconer »

those are always fun
i think me and uhhh legodude77 built a canyon thing and the balls just kept respawning like a year ago
i thought of it after playing mario party 3 with that boulder minigame
but cheers on you!

since this is charles's furniture megathread i decided that maybe i should give you guys a teaser for the gamemode we're working on

is it ok if i crosspost this or what

More King Leo builds :)

« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 11:29:01 AM by MrLoL² »

DOF is barely noticeable at these scales, but I do think I just commited GPU genocide.

Also King Leo is regent of building.

That looks a ton better than previous screenshots
that's a beauty

secret build on badspots server.
it's a secret to everyone.

i dont understand how to get the soft shadows 2 work

would someone be kind enough to help me :(

Tip to get isometric-ish screenshots: Go away from the build really far, then zoom in.
Above image looks good, but needs more smoke and dust emitters c:

Badspot's new blockparty! #noshaders

« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 11:05:18 AM by Bacon Pancakes »

is that actually a DOF?
doesn't look like it, but i'm not sure.

is that actually a DOF?
doesn't look like it, but i'm not sure.

I think the pole would be a bit blurrier if it were.