Author Topic: Most Embarrassing Moments...  (Read 3901 times)

The reason why i started this topic is because im going to my cousins B-Day party, and i realized... What if something embarrasing happens? Last year we had a pool party at YMCA, and when we hopped in, atleast 6 of us where extremely close so we all hit eachother while hopping in. my bikini top got stuck to her connection piece and ripped it off underwater. then she started to cry and kinda sat out the rest of the party :( i felt soo terrible after and not telling her it was my fault.

What are your most embarrasing moments in life, to your self or to another person :O!

Pics or it didn't happen.

Also I screamed research at my friends birthday party.

I sense over ten posts about being caught masturbating coming...

Nothing for me, really. My friend just payed me $10 when I was about 8 to play one of those terribly programmed and just all around horrible barbie games.

My brother walked in and had a surprised face, he said "OH MY GOD! MOM! MOM! ALEX IS GAY!!!". I gave him half of the money I got for him to play it off like he was just joking when he yelled that.

while i was masturbating my mom open the do......... jk jk

One time, I was, like, at my house, and then like, the,like, doorbell rang and I was doing my hair so I couldn't, like, go to the door!

This one is kinda funny.

It was my first day in sixth grade, and I was gonna be late.I was running, and I had my rolling backpack behind me, when I turned in on a gate, my backpack got stuck on the gate and I front flipped, twisting and spraining my arm.


I forget how long ago this was, but once I went to aprty at night time and I went over to their trampoline and I didn't know they had a pool and it's cover matched the grass so I fell in and got drenched. It was really embarrassing.

Once at a grocery store I got mad (can't remember why) and I walked off kind of in a rush and I knocked over a bunch of food in front of a bunch of people, I felt so stupid : S.

Said something in class related to the Disney Theme parks, everyone was staring.

I was giving an oral speech in class, one of the lines was deal though. I accidentally said carrot.

I once was reading a sricpture at temple in front of like 100 people, and starting laughing uncontrolably. I left and cried, then came back in.

i was at a party and i tryed to push my friend in but he grabbed my arm and pushed me in and he still makes fun of me till this day :p THAT FRIEND IS A NINJA!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 11:28:22 PM by Linkuto2121 »

I sense over ten posts about being caught masturbating coming...
Lol coming.

I was telling someone how to make a custom buddy picture for aim or w/e back in the 90s, and instead of telling them to save it to a floppy disk I said floppy richard.
Not really embarrassing, but they always make fun of me for it now :p

Idk, because my memory is total stuff. I'm not kidding. I don't know why, but I can barely remember stuff from a while ago.

The reason why i started this topic is because im going to my cousins B-Day party, and i realized... What if something embarrasing happens? Last year we had a pool party at YMCA, and when we hopped in, atleast 6 of us where extremely close so we all hit eachother while hopping in. my bikini top got stuck to her connection piece and ripped it off underwater. then she started to cry and kinda sat out the rest of the party :( i felt soo terrible after and not telling her it was my fault.

What are your most embarrasing moments in life, to your self or to another person :O!