Author Topic: DarkLight's City Rp - Yeah, It's back!  (Read 4335 times)

Many moons ago, there was a City Rp that rivaled many other good ones that are now lost to the ages, DarkLight's city Rp. After an unfortunate computer crash, DarkLight had lost all of his old files. For many months, the City Rp was lost, it seemed it would never return. But just recently, Tezuni had produced an ancient file of the RP from January of this year. And now it's back! Through all these months, I have kept many things from that City Rp, the client files, the Saves I had of the city. And now, back with the old build, and client files, we are up and running again! We plan to fix many bugs, and we plan to update it and make it better! Many of the original things that you knew and loved are still here!

A little while ago, the admins that still play (only the ones that noticed the server) all had a reunion:

Now the Rp is back and here are some screenshots:

The old fountain made by 2D in the center of the main city.

The same old police station!

The mine that 2D also built

The mine from a different perspective.

My mansion, it's not near the street yet though D:

Milk and Gold Square in Disco town (Slayers city), with a mine that tunnels under the towns main office, by Me and GoldenBoy

And I hope this gets out to Epic Cookie, because we need someone to be the mayor of his town D:

The huge-ass highway is still here, but sadly Leopards (formerly Leopards 2), your city is not there anymore :(

We plan on re-vamping the entire City Rp, and updating many things. Including the Cell phone Gui (this one made by me)

And this is the old Cell phone GUI. It's not very pretty

DarkLight is alive and well, and he welcomes all the old admins, and old memorable players back to his city rp!

Here's some of the old admins:
  • AGlass0fMilk
  • Slayer
  • 2D
  • Leopard (formerly Leopards)
  • Leopards (formerly Leopards 2)
  • DarkLight
  • Oxcorp
  • Tezuni
  • Khyere
  • GoldenBoy
  • Zombie Duker
  • Zeke
  • Epic Cookie
  • Woodland
  • Metal (formerly Metal Mario)
  • Elmosymous
  • Halogen
  • Brix
  • Ipquarx (formerly Avenger)
  • Willow Logs
  • Ladios
  • Tails
We welcome you all back! We miss you :(
Oh and if you were an admin there, please submit your name, I'll probably remember you, and you'll be added to the list.

So come on back to DarkLight's city rp!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 01:49:45 PM by AGlass0fMilk »

Nice, i wish you good luck Re-makeing City Rp, i hope it makes it better :)

edit:Second post!
Really wanted to do that for some reason, never did it before :3

Oh god, this CRP was horrible.

My memories of it comprise almost entirely of admins going rampaging with godmode that makes them entirely immune to being jailed as well. And I spent a fair amount of time on there.


Would you tell use what he modified?

...I doubt it would be that fun again...

Oh god, this CRP was horrible.

My memories of it comprise almost entirely of admins going rampaging with godmode that makes them entirely immune to being jailed as well. And I spent a fair amount of time on there.

Change your avatar, now.

Oh shoot! I really thought it was you there! D:

Oh shoot! I really thought it was you there! D:

I thought it was me but then I remembered I have never seen this topic.

You are missing several admins on that list...

Yea, I might be on there, although I'm not sure anymore.

Ladios was an admin, tell me the other ones. Oh I know! Tails too!

Change your avatar, now.
Go start a drama topic, or at least keep in the Box Art topic.

What is so great about this that I have to download a GUI to even see what the hell I am.

Bah. I never really liked DarkLight. But this sounds good.

I was an old admin once

I really don't care anymore