Author Topic: Old Snake-Headed Man Run Over by a Wheel. [Lots of Blood]  (Read 1919 times)

I went over to my Uncle's place to help with repairing a statue, but it got boring, so I made this, and put some blood on it.
It started out as a desire to make a finger puppet, then make a mold of it, so it was going to be a dragon creature thing, but when I made the face, it turned out like that. I put some arms on it, and it was like a snake with arms. I had him on the wooden handle of a tool, so I cut down the middle to get him off, and it looked like he was ripped open, so I made it into what it is now.
I would have put more blood on, but I didn't want to use all of my Uncle's stuff.

If you can't tell what's on his face, I will explain.
He has two fangs, a cigar, a mustache, and one curly hair on his head. He has eyebrows that are just stuck on his eyes.


I laughed, there is Something wrong with me :<

I was laughing while making this. You're fine.

The blood splatters seem so detailed.

How can you see his organs if he was only run over?

How can you see his organs if he was only run over?
I just made it like that. I really just have to make up an excuse for why he was torn open.
The blood splatters seem so detailed.
Well, I first used slightly dried fake bloody, and  used a tool to spread it, but then I used more liquid stuff to make it more runny and blood like. I really can't explain how it got like that.

Morbid...yet...brilliant! :D The blood looks very real.

I just made it like that. I really just have to make up an excuse for why he was torn open.

Uh, he was standing on a freeway overpass or whatever and was attacked by some dude with a samurai sword. Cut him from the bottom of the stomach to the top, the force knocked him onto the road below where he was ran over.

That was one heavy wheel

That's what my Uncle said.

I laughed, there is Something wrong with me :<
Yes, there is, you're just like Mr Wallet. You have to keep your awesomeness in check.

Yes, there is, you're just like Mr Wallet. You have to keep your awesomeness in check.

I left my fly open again? D: