Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 1549 times)

Hi,I'm Overlad,I just joined Blockland Forums recently.
Due to my vacation to New York City,I couldn't log in,due to having no laptop.
And I recently returned to Blockland.
I play World of Warcraft,Blockland,Overlord 1 & 2,and Alien Shooter Vengeance,to name
a few games I play.

And goodbye! Welcome to the flame-o-rama!

And goodbye! Welcome to the flame-o-rama!

2 rules.

Don't listen to guys like this, and don't forget up.

Literally, you'll be eaten alive.


tri 2 use porpor grammer
and dont
talk like this.

Try to formulate complete sentences and paragraphs instead of separating your thoughts into different lines.  Sure, if you're going off into a different subject you can start a new line, but don't do that with every sentence.  We try to be semi-civilized.

Welcome to Blockland! You came at a bad time, the master server is down :(

Finally. Someone new who is half intelligent.
Anyway, Welcome to the forums!

Finally. Someone new who is half intelligent.
Anyway, Welcome to the forums!
Don't listen to guys like this
Also, this is his only post...

That was a compliment :c

Finally. Someone new who is half intelligent.
Anyway, Welcome to the forums!

That was a compliment :c

A backhanded one, for sure.

Hey .Overlad, Creola thinks you're half-stupid.

I lol'd.

Anyway, Welcome to Blockland!

Your room is down the left next to the atiom bomb test site.

A.K.A Room 142

And goodbye! Welcome to the flame-o-rama!
Clearly this friend is talking to himself.

Your room is down the left next to the atiom bomb test site.

A.K.A Room 142
More like 1408.