Author Topic: U.S.S. Tantalus - Image Heavy  (Read 3052 times)

Dude thats epic. I love how well put together it is

Thanks for all the positive comments, and yay I got in :)
I'm not sure if I'll put the save up here.
And, to be honest, I have never seen much Battlestar Galactica (like, some minutes of stuff on some jungle planet, but nothing about hangar doors). I got my inspiration from the Hangar Bay force fields from Star Wars.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 11:25:55 AM by Chefkokkie »

hey this is awesome! i searched for spaceship builds cause i am doing one, i didnt expect to see one this big!
one question though, is there a medical station? i might have missed it...

hey this is awesome! i searched for spaceship builds cause i am doing one, i didnt expect to see one this big!
one question though, is there a medical station? i might have missed it...

No. If you do one, use it to app for ASI.

No. If you do one, use it to app for ASI.
Don't force people.

I take it your favorite color is orange...

Sorry if I bumped this too much, but I updated it a bit.

After noticing that there was no easy way to get cargo into the cargo hold, I added this forcefield:

It can open...

...and close.

I also made the turrets bulkier

Thanks for all the nice comments too, and I'd appreciate more of them. I'm also thinking of making a space station in the same style, but I'm not sure.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 01:37:46 PM by comr4de »


Great job. You never really see many decent spaceships created but this is one is really nice.

Now if only I could find the inspiration to finish the Marathon...

If you were an alien with highly advanced technology and hundreds of people on a ship, you would paint it gray? What spaceship is the same color on the inside it is on the outside. Perhaps I wouldn't be as angry about it if the reason it was gray was because he didn't take the time to make an interior wall.
3 words.
Pillar of Autumn

Thanks guys, I'm not really sure if the new turret design looks better though.

This is very nice. 10/10 We should build a huge one some time. :)