Author Topic: Im going to FPS classes!  (Read 1859 times)

Oh yeah! Im going to a place where you create FPS games. My Brother found it in a newspaper. It's £25. Its every Saturday for 5 weeks. Its from 9 am to 12 am, 15 hours! Thats right. Until midnight
I start September 26th
Cant wait :D

Teh editz:
If you guys want, post suggestions on what I should do. I was thinking another Survival Horror. Proper one this time. With some easter eggs
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 01:37:15 PM by Muzzles56 »

Too many short sentences... /brainhurt
Anyway, epic. Make a first person version of Teeworlds for us :3

I wish I could but for 2 reasons
1. I dont know what it is or if it even can be turned into an FPS
2. I dont want my ass sued

make me an fps where you tip over cows

make them say SHAZOOO like they do in europe

Make one where you can drive cars and shoot out the window in FPS mode also.

Wait 9 am to 12 AM? That's like over 12 hours. WTF?

Wait 9 am to 12 AM? That's like over 12 hours. WTF?

No, three.

Are you going to one of those ID tech camps ;o