Author Topic: F2P MMO reports. (Are they good? Are they bad?)  (Read 5956 times)


Or in other game you can: Fight monsters. Fight monsters. Fight monsters. Level up. Fight monsters. Die. Ragequit.

That's not stupidity, it's loving TRUE. We've all played RuneScape at one point or another, and we all know it was probably originally decent but now it sucks. Stop trying to not be wrong.

Fallen Earth looks neat, installing it now.

Ninja edit: it's in beta, need to get the key link from bottom of page 5.

i played a few min of it. a sci fi shooter mmorpg is cool i guess.

only 15 min in, the little startup tutorial before they toss you into the world.
my only complaint so far is, looting bodies is buggy and slow-like. with popup windows appearing late and etchy.

forget my computer, cannot run it well :(

my comp runs it better then i thought at max settings. average 80frames
but sometimes when activating a computer or door, for some reason it will jump to 20, when nothing on screen is really changing lol.

It's also 10 bloody GB's.

Karos online is terrible, Ugh.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 07:54:44 AM by tails »

Puzzle Pirates.

Try it

(sage Ocean is the Ocean i'm on, Doubloon oceans are free)

It's also 10 bloody GB's.

WoW is 12. RoM is 8. I think the LotrO trial was 6.

RoM is 4.50gb's (-5mb for screenshots and -21mb for the add ons i have)

so, any mmorpgs out there worth sticking to? I'd prefer not the click and you hit them to death style of combat, but if the games' really nice i'll consider it.

I have yet to find a free mmo that instantly gets me hooked.
The only one that has done that is Mabinogi.
And, after about a year of playing it. I got bored.