Author Topic: Designing  (Read 1747 times)

I see alot of those grey pictures you guys make...what program is that? And I wanna know how to make the things and add textures.

Photoshop go buy it!


  • Administrator
There is a free photoshop type program called GIMP,

uh...wheres the download thing... I cant find it

I assume you have Windows.

You need the GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment and The GIMP for Windows in that order.


  • Guest
omg you need winodws to run that O_O
*runs to homedepot*


  • Guest
Step 1: don't be a complete moron
Step 2: read someone else's post below

Can someone show me how to use Gimp? I wanna learn to design 3d stuff with it.

Can someone show me how to use Gimp? I wanna learn to design 3d stuff with it.
You can create a 3d look, but not a 3d model.  Get something like Blender3d for that.

Blender's even more confusing to use...I cant even draw a box!