Author Topic: what do you think will happen if 10 kids went into space?  (Read 2235 times)

This topic got me thinking about something...

What would love be like without gravity?

This topic got me thinking about something...

What would love be like without gravity?

0G Facials.

They would die in a gross manner due to their being morons and leaving the shuttle/station without the proper equipment.

They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here
Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
So Beat It, Just Beat It

Lol, that's going in my sig.

On a more relavent note, they'd die.

I've always wondered if ejaculating could propel you through space.

If they didn't know how to fly the ship, they wouldn't be able to lift off.
No, the mission control count down to boot up the engines, then they would lift off. They only have to prepare and then proceed to fly in space.

EDIT: I remember my science teacher once said: "If you can melt a rock, you're a scientist." :D

I've always wondered if ejaculating could propel you through space.
uhhhh, Probably not.

Wouldn't one of newtons laws, "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" take effect?  I'd be satisfied I could move at least a couple inches.

Maybe you could attach some device that increases the pressure of the sperm. But it would probably be easier to just pee.

I see physical and mental damage here. Mental "Uh what happens if I release air pressure? >_@" Physical "BOOM; AHHHH MY FACE!!!". Lol.