Author Topic: What pisses you off?  (Read 19057 times)

Things that pisses me off? Anything I don't like.
Calamari or squid?

The Cookie Monster.
And little game kids.

Pivot itself

:cookieMonster: hehe I remembered when you liked both

My idea of a religion is any belief or idea that people follow zealously, even if it hasn't been proven beyond a doubt. I acknowledge that this includes what I believe in, so no, I'm not a hypocrite.

You can't apply your own definition of a word, apply it to where it does not, and disregard the definition of other words. You're a hypocrite because you said you hate ignorant people, but at the same time you did not have the proper definition of atheism.

Post grossing topics.

And -Mike-, and the old Sirrus.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 03:03:06 PM by Xoax »

Another thing that pisses me off is the fact that that any hint of religious beleif starts an argument, completely derailing the topic.

Sorry Quan, but another thing that pisses me off is name-calling and judging people so...

(text sized reduced to avoid future flaming)

@ Inv3rted:
"You can't apply your own definition of a word, apply it to where it does not, and disregard the definition of other words. You're a hypocrite because you said you hate ignorant people, but at the same time you did not have the proper definition of atheism."

Ok then.

atheism |ˈāθēˌizəm|
the theory or belief that God does not exist.

religion |riˈlijən|
A particular system of faith and worship

faith |fāθ|
a strongly held belief or theory

(from the computer's built-in dictionary)

At the very least, based off these definitions, there's a lot of faith in any belief, including atheism. I'm not changing word definitions around.

ignorance |ˈignərəns|
lack of knowledge or information

I know what the words mean, so I'm not ignorant either.

Can we stop flaming now?

Edit: One more thing. I'm done fueling this flamewar. Go ahead, get the last word in, I'm a terrible, ignorant, egotistical, hypocritical, whatever, and I won't be redeemed until I accept that my opinions are wrong.

Shall we move on? :)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 04:21:18 PM by Snaily »

People that have ever posted something along the lines of THIS.


22. stuffty shows/sitcoms. Two and a Half Men and such. Where the forget did these come from?
I like Two and a Half Men. :c Pretty damned funny compared to the other stuffters on the networks now.

I like Two and a Half Men. :c Pretty damned funny compared to the other stuffters on the networks now.
I do too :o

I do too :o

Me too.

Nick was on a roll, and he showed me that inside, I do hate him.

Rug, where do you live.

Also, I hate stick figure based animations/games. Stop being a lazy ass and at least attempt to make a decent animation character.
Cloquet. A lot of hot mommas go to my college.

Sorry Quan, but another thing that pisses me off is denial of hypocrisy so...

@ Inv3rted:
"You can't apply your own definition of a word, apply it to where it does not, and disregard the definition of other words. You're a hypocrite because you said you hate ignorant people, but at the same time you did not have the proper definition of atheism."

Ok then.

atheism |ˈāθēˌizəm|
the theory or belief that God does not exist.

religion |riˈlijən|
A particular system of faith and worship

faith |fāθ|
a strongly held belief or theory

(from the computer's built-in dictionary)

At the very least, based off these definitions, there's a lot of faith in any belief, including atheism. I'm not changing word definitions around.

ignorance |ˈignərəns|
lack of knowledge or information

I know what the words mean, so I'm not ignorant either.

Can we stop flaming now?

I don't know what you're smoking. Merriam-Webster defines atheism as:
a : a disbelief in the existence of deity
b : the doctrine that there is no deity

Merriam-Webster also defines faith as:

1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs <the Protestant faith>

There is no faith in atheism, because it is BY DEFINITION the lack of belief.