Author Topic: The Demo days  (Read 2235 times)

Played the demo before, my old laptop didn't have a number pad. Bought a number pad, bought Blockland, went into a server, didn't know what to do, tried the tutorial, figured out the tutorial half way through, figured it out the next day.

i still have the demo, i really want to buy it but i has no money...*sniff*

i still have the demo, i really want to buy it but i has no money...*sniff*
Lawn a mow.

Loaded demo house and drove around in the jeep, tried the new skiis, shot a ball around with the gun in the kitchen, then attempted to build Doom's E1M1 in a port of RTB Isles I found.

4 days after its release, I bought it.

Lawn a mow.
Correction. Mow a lawn.

I bought blockland around middle of v8. I loved it. I remember my first house it was really tall :3.

i didnt know how to switch tools or move a brick!!!!! LOL

I thought you could only spawn weapons out of spawn bricks. :3

Was a few years late hence ID 6380 :D
Offtopic: I've been seeing tools called sandvich and now a person with the name sandvich? Did somone rip off from Sandwich quest or is it just a couicidence?

Offtopic: I've been seeing tools called sandvich and now a person with the name sandvich? Did somone rip off from Sandwich quest or is it just a couicidence?
Shut the forget up you egotistical 8 year old. Your sandwich quest was stuff and nobody would want to rip anything off of it. Get the forget out.

I played the game when it was free, so I already knew the game. I only got the game again this year. I went through the tutorial, thought about it, then bought it a few days later.

Shut the forget up you egotistical 11 year old. Your sandwich quest was stuff and nobody would want to rip anything off of it. Get the forget out.
Fixed. And also this is my topic so you can GTFO!

I never had the demo days/mins/seconds, I bought a few days after released, hence ID 1279 :3

Offtopic: I've been seeing tools called sandvich and now a person with the name sandvich? Did somone rip off from Sandwich quest or is it just a couicidence?