Author Topic: THC has been Disbanded!  (Read 12563 times)

No I mean people actually still play that game? I thought it died.

Yay it's about time those people disband. Realise that all the THC idiots on AoT wear Part, and lub is a forgeter. He did something clever and jailed me. What a forget. He asked me to drop a dyna I thought he would hack it but he hit Old Woman and I commited murder. I woke up dead, respawned, he chased me and hit me on the last 2 seconds of logging off. He used his hook. THC is fat. The only way they move around is hook. I've been chasing him for days. Now I have an internet problem with AoT but it's about time those cigarettes had gone. Dark was ok, but lub and porto were forget.

Green you're handicapped.

hit me on the last 2 seconds of logging off.
You deserve it, you loving coward.

You deserve it, you loving coward.

Man there shouldent be cops then if all people love to do on Age of Time is to decop people and make people upset.

The only good thing to do on AoT now, is running from the cops, or jailing idiots like yourself.

Man there shouldent be cops then if all people love to do on Age of Time is to decop people and make people upset.
What's the problem with being decopped if there shouldn't be cops in the first place?
And make people upset?
"Wahh, I can't run around being like a cool kid saying forget as every other word of my all-caps sentences, being a douchebag to people, and pleasuring myself by staring at the naked body of my female avatar!"

The rules are clear. Follow them, and the police can't bother you. If you choose to break them, you choose to be hunted by the police.

Hay guise wat did i miss.

Hey Dark, remember me?

What's the problem with being decopped if there shouldn't be cops in the first place?
And make people upset?
"Wahh, I can't run around being like a cool kid saying forget as every other word of my all-caps sentences, being a douchebag to people, and pleasuring myself by staring at the naked body of my female avatar!"

The rules are clear. Follow them, and the police can't bother you. If you choose to break them, you choose to be hunted by the police.

No actully. I was following the rules. But loving lub decopped me.

Anyway, shoulden't this be for another thread?