Author Topic: My Little Bookshop  (Read 3853 times)

I like the design, but it wouldn't be hard to replicate.


I like the book shelfs.

i like the fact you like purple, but make the ladder to the roof brown and the thing on the roof a differnt color

No, you're the one who came into this thread and decided that since it had props, it was alright to flame.
It's basically ALL props.

Btw not flaming I gave my oppinion. You asked for a x/10 rating; and I filled in that x.

3/10 - Props does not = building skill, take the props away and its an empty shell of a building. try building your interiors instead of using game breaking props.
I'm going to have to agree with you on that.

Nice i like the cones on the road =D

Nice i like the cones on the road =D

Oh god I got rid of those.
It's basically ALL props.

Btw not flaming I gave my oppinion. You asked for a x/10 rating; and I filled in that x.
There are a grand total of six props. Two of them are evented.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 12:59:56 PM by comr4de »

plus the doors, and since they should be unevented, those basically act like props.

Yeah. I actually evented them so you could buy books and such...

I'm going to lock this.