Author Topic: Forum Game: Blockland Motto  (Read 13700 times)

Better than a game of "Hide and go Masturbate" when you're bored.

Dang, this is getting popular. :D

Blockland-Because circles are for wussies, squares are for manly men

A wise man said once that only kissing is better than love. But that wise man died before Blockland was made!

Carefull, our bricks are scary.

Pay $20, Live better, Blockland.

Blockland: Spend 20$ or I'll kick you so hard that stuff will come out of your mouth

Blockland: Better than throwing rocks at children

Blockland: What else are you going to use that $20 for?

Blockland: Girls welcome!

Blockland: Boobs may be present

Blockland: Better than shooting your pets

Blockland: it's lego, but better.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 06:21:11 PM by Saxophone »

If jacking off is jesus then blockland is god
Age: 13


 not related to that place in germany

Because even snot can play it!


It's not just blocks. It's life.

 Beacause everything else wasn't good enough.

 Free Brick Tools.

 When you come in, practice being less of a handicap.

 Bricks here!