Author Topic: RTB Development  (Read 347016 times)

I was wondering if you could fix the problems I have been having, When I have RTB installed my key usually doesnt validate and the server list does not load.

Still no damn fix.

Could you be any more of a troll?
It's been 2 weeks since an extremely important problem was found and reported, and still nothing has been fixed.

Well, as it is a major bug, he should probably release a patch soon. However, I'm sure he'd rather pack in as many little fixes into a single update as he possibly can.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 07:06:14 PM by MegaScientifical »

Question: I noted somewhere it said you could use a jabber client or something to connect into the rtb chat.

Is this service available as of now?

Still no damn fix.
It's been 2 weeks since an extremely important problem was found and reported, and still nothing has been fixed.

I gave simple instructions about how to fix it yourself before the update is released - so simple even you can do it. Try that.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 11:25:21 PM by Ephialtes »

Question: I noted somewhere it said you could use a jabber client or something to connect into the rtb chat.

Is this service available as of now?

Question: I noted somewhere it said you could use a jabber client or something to connect into the rtb chat.

Is this service available as of now?

Initially I was intending to use Jabber/XMPP for the backend of the chat system but the way the protocol works didn't really suit my intentions for RTB Connect and in the end I wrote my own protocol + server. In the far future I hope to put together some sort of Pidgin plugin so people can use the chat system externally but that is a long way off since I don't know how to write Pidgin plugins.

I was wondering if you could fix the problems I have been having, When I have RTB installed my key usually doesnt validate and the server list does not load.

I've been unable to replicate this with my test rat Lub - can you give a full list of all of your add-ons (or alternatively a console.log, that'll include them) and also your OSX version. If we're still unable to replicate it then you will have to be the test rat.

I gave simple instructions about how to fix it yourself before the update is released - so simple even you can do it. Try that.
Actually I think that's a bug I've fixed in RTB 4.01 - I'll be releasing that shortly.

so simple even you can do it
ok, mr elitist

So basically you're too lazy to add a line of code into a file, and you're complaining to me about it. Stupid cunt.

So basically you're too lazy to add a line of code into a file, and you're complaining to me about it. Stupid cunt.

Lol has Lub gotten you hooked on that word ephi?

So basically you're too lazy to add a line of code into a file, and you're complaining to me about it. Stupid cunt.
I shouldn't have to add that line myself, you should've rolled out an update like you said, especially for a major bug.

Might be possible to write and run locally a python script (or other language) that acts like a regular IRC server, internally translating messages to/from the protocol and passing them on to the RTB chat servers in the RTB Connect protocol.

I shouldn't have to add that line myself, you should've rolled out an update like you said, especially for a major bug.
In the time you typed that, you could copy and paste the line into the file.

In the time you typed that, you could copy and paste the line into the file.
30 copies of the game.

Major issue, left unfixed.