Author Topic: retail blockland!?  (Read 11449 times)

Do bricks get placed INSIDE each other anymore? (like with loading)


  • Administrator
Do bricks get placed INSIDE each other anymore? (like with loading)

...default controls for laptop keyboars....

I've first started BL on a laptop...and always used the same set-up since then, even on desktops.

[] 1/3 up-down
;' 1 up-down
,. rotate (<>)

and the arror keys to move the ghost.

I've found these the best settings from the begining.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2006, 08:21:28 PM by El Barto »

<- counter clockwise -> clockwise

^ one third  \/ one third 

5 place

- up

+ down

RTB / scale down * scale up


retail gets sweeter and sweeter <3
will the release be earlier then november? i want to get it  for my bday on the 15th

Now that the in-game features are explained much better I have only one last question. The dedicated system has all ways been the one to lose out on functions/abilities in the past. Has there been anything changed to give a dedicated server similar or all power a Non-dedicated server has?

The only server Badspot has run so far is dedicated, that I know of.

I doubt it but will it be out before late-mid september?
And will there be and Qs and Rs in it? If so will they have the bug?

Type /sit in the chat. Yeah, there is a glitch feature. You can do buttracing, zomg. I'd get a video, but I'm not sure if the server is up, or if the minifig chest glitch thing is fixed.

If you press right click and release it, you can sort of hover. There is your Q for you. Pressing space, I think, also decreases your fall rate when you jet, or so it seems.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 10:02:44 PM by Wedge »

i love bells and whistles as much as the next guy, but looks alone dont make a good game "good"
cant always judge games by graphics alone. or in this case, simple content differences.

retail is awesome because it seems tons more user friendly. ftw
« Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 04:05:56 PM by Bisjac »

We have heard NOTHING that I know of about retail and DM, so I make the assumption thet it will have to be modded in?

Or you can assume that Badspot just hasn't made it yet.

Or you can assume that Badspot just hasn't made it yet.
mocheeze lies LIE I SYA LIES!!!!!!!!
*trows a cheese wheel at you*

Or you can assume that Badspot just hasn't made it yet.
Or just hasn't said anything about it.  Oh man..I wanna play retail.  Lucky bunch, you are.


[dunno why I put my name at the end of this]