Author Topic: 9/11  (Read 11194 times)

rabble rabble rabble terror rabble rabble rabble rabble bad! Rabble muslims. rabble get dem communists rabble rabble rabble ohnoes wrong place! rabble rabble.

I was at my house, I didn't go to school cause I had a dentist appointment, I believe I was in kindergarten? Well anyways. I remeber it cause, I watched the news about it and the TV fell on me. I was moving the table that the TV was on and it fell on me. Although I wasn't hurt bad because I moved out of the way partly and my parents were in the next room. But when I realized what happened to the Twin Towers, I wished I could of gotten hurt instead of all those people dieing.

rabble rabble rabble terror rabble rabble rabble rabble bad! Rabble muslims. rabble get dem communists rabble rabble rabble ohnoes wrong place! rabble rabble.

I was at my house, I didn't go to school cause I had a dentist appointment, I believe I was in kindergarten? Well anyways. I remeber it cause, I watched the news about it and the TV fell on me. I was moving the table that the TV was on and it fell on me. Although I wasn't hurt bad because I moved out of the way partly and my parents were in the next room. But when I realized what happened to the Twin Towers, I wished I could of gotten hurt instead of all those people dieing.
olol i ca see it now

also a bunch of people died in a plane crash or something

olol i ca see it now

also a bunch of people died in a plane crash or something

-Moment of silence here-

Who wants to hear some classical rock?


Death by War:
World War 2 Death Toll: 48,231,700+ (War)
Vietnam Death Toll: 1,000,000+ (War)
Iraq War Death Toll: 93-100,000+ Civilians with a little over 4,500 U.S. deaths (War)
Death by Terrorism:
9/11 Death Toll: 4-6,000+ (2Hijacked Airplanes)
McVeigh Bombing: 169 Deaths, 400+ Injured (Homemade explosives + C-4)
Columbine: 15 Dead, 24 Injured (Gunshot)
Tylenol Terrorist Deaths: 7 (Potassium Cyanide)
1920 Wall-Street Bombing: 38 Dead, 300 Injured (Dynamite)
1933 Boeing 247: 7 Dead (Nitro Glycerin Bomb)
Bath School Bombing: 45 Dead, 58 Injured (Dynamite/Pyrotol)
George Metesky Bombs: 10 Injured, 30 Bombs planted
1950's kool kids klub Terrorism: Various murders including firebomb assassination of Vernon Dahme
2009 NYC Failbomb: 1 kill, the bench it was placed on (poor bench)

Your an idiot. Everyone who agrees with this jack ass, take your parents or your guardians that have raised you since birth. Then see how you feel when another human kills them and hundreds more as a "terrorist attack" on the World Trade Center.

Doesn't feel so great now does it?
First off, forget off, and did I get you mad or something? No need for petty name calling,... friend.

Actually it feels perfectly fine. Of course people would mourn people they love and remember the day when they died, but over time they'll have to accept it and get over it and get on with their life and do something to better the world.

No need for petty name calling,... friend.

Oh the irony... I guess you believe there is.

Have you lost anyone in your family? Or are you some rich snob who hates their family and ignores other peoples right's?

How were those "Fun" facts. D:

Because we love to hear this stuff, makes us happy.

Edit: I got the colors wrong D:
Its the other way around.

Oh the irony... I guess you believe there is.
You're an idiot since you can't see it was a joke.

Have you lost anyone in your family? Or are you some rich snob who hates their family and ignores other peoples right's?
You're a double idiot for assuming you have to be rich to not care about other people. Stop being mad because you're poor. Also, stop ignoring his right to not give a stuff.

You're an idiot since you can't see it was a joke.
You're a double idiot for assuming you have to be rich to not care about other people. Stop being mad because you're poor. Also, stop ignoring his right to not give a stuff.

I don't need to see a disrespectful joke.
And since I am on an idiot spree, I hate your avatar. :D

I don't need to see a disrespectful joke.
And since I am on an idiot spree, I hate your avatar. :D
Well good for you. Instead of embracing facts or logic you instead cling to petty insults to win your arguments.

Your use of :D is some kind of indicator to your smugness and assurance of victory over me.