Author Topic: 9/11  (Read 11783 times)

Early topic is early.


I was at Language Arts. About to fall asleep.

Does every country do something special on days when they were attacked and people got killed?

Why should we? I don't see the point.

I saw the attacks happen from my school bus. I live in Greenwich Village, so I was relatively close.
Now that's hardcore.

I was in class, 1st grade. I remember waking up. We were being read a story and then I noticed a lot of parents were walking in the hallways. Then my mom picked me and my brother up, we were confused to hell.

She told us the news and it was the only thing anyone was talking about for a whole day :|

Does every country do something special on days when they were attacked and people got killed?

Why should we? I don't see the point.

Cinco de Mayo?

They pay their respects to the dead on that day. What a bunch of lunatics.

I do not remember where I was on 9/11. Its not like it matters where you were unless you were IN the building.

Cinco de Mayo?

They pay their respects to the dead on that day. What a bunch of lunatics.

You're thinking of Dia de los Muertos

You're thinking of Dia de los Muertos

Lol you should see the mayans or who ever they were forgot. They worshiped their king  even when he died, believe it or not they left the body with them, it poops, eats, and even has love D: how in the world does it have love????

Lol you should see the mayans or who ever they were forgot. They worshiped their king  even when he died, believe it or not they left the body with them, it poops, eats, and even has love D: how in the world does it have love????

The girl gets on Top. (Zombie snake)

How does it Poop and eat if its dead, thats what I want to know

I was 5.

I only found out about this last year.

Does every country do something special on days when they were attacked and people got killed?

Why should we? I don't see the point.

Your an idiot. Everyone who agrees with this jack ass, take your parents or your guardians that have raised you since birth. Then see how you feel when another human kills them and hundreds more as a "terrorist attack" on the World Trade Center.

Doesn't feel so great now does it?

The girl gets on Top. (Zombie snake)

How does it Poop and eat if its dead, thats what I want to know

I dono probably blow in the mouth and see if any gold comes out the other end..... D:

On 9/11, I was in 1st grade.

You claim to be 13.  How does that add up to you being in 1st grade in 2001?

You were 5 at the time.

I seriously doubt someone of your intelligence was in first grade when 5 years old.

As I said in the other thread based on this (Seriously, does anyone ever use the search function?)
At first, I thought it was a movie. They had a lot of disaster movies playing that day, so I didn't think anything of it until I started channel surfing and noticed it was on damn near every channel. That's when I realized it wasn't a joke. I can remember thinking that this was the start of the path to WWIII then shortly after, Zephram Cochrane will invent warp drive and Star Trek will be born! :D (Yes, I seriously thought that a week after the shock lapsed)

You claim to be 13.  How does that add up to you being in 1st grade in 2001?

You were 5 at the time.

I seriously doubt someone of your intelligence was in first grade when 5 years old.
Furgot late birfdaiz br0.

Furgot late birfdaiz br0.
Actually I was in fist grade at 4 because California was a bit different on it's standards. I had to repeat Kindergarten and first grade when I moved to Minnesota because standards were different. Pissed me off a bit. I was on a fast track to be one of those "kid prodigies". However, Minnesota thought that no kid needs an unfair advantage over any other and the rest is history. Whooopee-friggin-lah-di-dah. (lol yeah I'm a bit bitter about that still)