Author Topic: Diggy's Metropolis Server  (Read 294497 times)

I'm sooo going to be an official.

First I just need a clean record....

..oh ffffff.
^Slevens Quote, It failed

Lol, annoucing that you will be a scammer, Gj slev.

a small Update has occured... added dim lights, 4x4f print, wanted Self Delete if there's no law people around, also i trimmed the map a little bit and moved a build.

How are people's record supposed to be cleared if you can't trust anybody?
I said he trusted the wrong person, not that nobody can be trusted and that it's some loving trust apocalypse that's going to end up with you losing all of your money and getting cancer.

Also, I have a complaint about the Mobster path. If pickpocketing is the only way to get EXP besides killing, it's extremely rare if not nonexistent. It's also very difficult. I have to resort to killing people for EXP, which still barely works. I can't change my job because that costs 3 EXP. I'm stuck here, any help?
I'm not sure if Diggy ever had the chance to apply the EXP chance updates to the server before he had all of the computer issues.  They were already tweaked to give you better chances, but like I said, not sure if they're in effect.

In real life, scamming is illegal. If there is no way to punish someone directly with demerits, he/she should still be punished. Like it or not, Shard is innocent, and Jasa is guilty.

If I get robbed, I don't go to the judge just for him to say "Your door was unlocked. Use common sense next time you dope!".

Once again, the server is not based off of the real world.  In fact, Diggy based a lot of the crime system off of the Grand Theft Auto series.  So yeah, expect nothing less.

wanted Self Delete if there's no law people around
Is it a radius-based search, or does it account for bricks?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 04:50:06 PM by Niliscro »

5 day ban for AFK avoidance. Omg.

5 day ban for AFK avoidance. Omg.
Like that shouldn't have happened months ago.

Like that shouldn't have happened months ago.
I wish he would of banned me 5 days ago.

I wish he would of banned me 5 days ago.
Or banned me 7 hours as I left for school.

CaN chat spamming when Mistrox jailed him, and I guess that kid was pretty mad!

Now hes multiclienting 3 different accounts of his when hes in jail.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 05:13:13 PM by starwars45 »

Ok, ok.

When we say that we want you to get screenshots of people breaking rules, we meant we wanted you guys to give us screenshots of people breaking serious rules.  Not screenshots of stupid little stuff that we probably wouldn't even kick someone for because you're butthurt over some drama and just want to get that person in trouble.  Or whatever your motives are, I don't know.

Diggy needs to add flood protection for local chat.

Is it a radius-based search, or does it account for bricks?
Radius-based, because a criminal would just have to duck behind something to Self Delete if it accounted for bricks.

Radius-based, because a criminal would just have to duck behind something to Self Delete if it accounted for bricks.
IDEA: How about there is a timer for when that player was last seen if they can Self Delete? They can't Self Delete till after the cops haven't seen them for 30 seconds. I think the criminal would have gotten away if the criminal wasn't seen for 30 seconds.

It doesn't matter what game you play, nothing you add has to do with the real world, I'm just comparing the fact that the real world follows moral standards that involve social issues, which can just as easily occur here.

You cannot neglect the fact that these people are from the real world, and will most likely get into a situations that commonly occur in the real world, which in this case is scamming, which is against the law.

This is also very prone to games that portray the real world, such as CityRPG. So if you're going to paint a picture, paint it all the way.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 05:53:06 PM by Custard »

Radius-based, because a criminal would just have to duck behind something to Self Delete if it accounted for bricks.
Kay, good :D

IDEA: How about there is a timer for when that player was last seen if they can Self Delete? They can't Self Delete till after the cops haven't seen them for 30 seconds. I think the criminal would have gotten away if the criminal wasn't seen for 30 seconds.
This pretty much does the same thing, since you'd need to go to an isolated part of the map to be completely out of range of any players.

It doesn't matter what game you play, nothing you add has to do with the real world, I'm just comparing the fact that the real world follows moral standards that involve social issues, which can just as easily occur here.

You cannot neglect the fact that these people are from the real world, and will most likely get into a situations that commonly occur in the real world, which in this case is scamming, which is against the law.
Your morals don't apply on the server c:

Actually, I think I'll clarify on that; think of all the other immoral things that go on during the typical day in Metropolis.  Assassinations are commonplace, it's not out of the question to pay for someone to be killed, cops are corrupt, your "gods" don't give a stuff about anything you care about, etc.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 05:57:35 PM by Niliscro »