Author Topic: Diggy's Metropolis Server  (Read 310020 times)

Post bugs you find if you are sure it is a bug, and if we don't know about it we will add it to our to-do list. Here's a picture of the server thanks to badspot's server preview:

Minimise button action:

Server News:
[feb 28 2011]
Today I received a message from Wizzard about the server's resource usage. It seems that our server is using 2-3 times the normal amount of cpu usage as other Bl servers. This is probably due to the massive brick count so to deal with this I have reduced the amount of lots each player can own to 3. You can still own your 4 lots until the server restarts, then it will possibly delete a lot when loading. To avoid this you should sell or demolish your least wanted lot if you already have 4.

We are finally on Wizzard's server, yay! Everyone thank wizz by dedicating statues to him in the server (kidding?)

Assassinations have finally been fixed, it was actually just a single missing character that made it fail, so if people could test it out now that would be great. Credit goes to Niliscro for discovering the problem.

Personal vaults are now operational for storing money, while everyone's suggestions on vaults were good, i have to keep things reasonable from a coding point of view, so one item will be able to be stored only. Physics vehicles have been disabled temporarily because of extra stress placed on the server. Also, Surburb made a new video for the server: Watch Here!

A web site for the server will be created soon, and players will be able to view their stats online once they have created an account tied to a BL_ID (this will be confirmed in-game). Personal vaults are now available, however they are not yet fully working, which means you can buy one, but it won't work until the code is completed. Also I plan to have a slot for one item in a safe. Each player gets just one safe, and in the future non-build-trusted players will need to pick the locks to gain access to the safe.

hey guys, so I'm getting a new host soon, Wizzard, and in the meantime I'm making a super awesome new map for the mod which includes some of the ebst builds form the older incarnations of metropolis. I'll be updating the mod a bit more as well before the reopening! Hope to see everyone there.

The server is currently undergoing bugfixing, recent things which have been fixed are: Real Estate system, and Jail Breaking. People without law jobs now perform a citizen's arrest, which is the same thing as a normal one minus the payout. This is to make the police job line relevant again.

Here's a new video of the Island RP made by Surburb!

Instead of posting more pictures I've got a video made by Surburb Showing the entire city!

*all links in this post refer to the most recent file!*
Dec12: Moved GUI to bottom corner
Big Update: Large amount of options added, many of which need testing. Also, the Compass & Options will eventually be able to be used outside of Metropolis RP servers as its own add-on.
Update: Click here to Download Metro GUI! Gui no longer interferes with the chat window, Minimise button added:
Update: Send Waypoint is in test mode, but all other compass features are fully operational including save and load! Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Update: New version of MetroGUI for testing: Still no send waypoint, but much more other stuff!
Beta version of MetroGUI is out! Currently Beta'ing: Compass. feature suggestions are welcome! (Also, I'm aware that a lot of features aren't working fully, or at all, they'll be added later, but most of the important functions are in)
update: added "symbol" waypoints, made delete work better, working on send & load waypoints

Since a few people have requested them, here are some macro shots of the city, enjoy.

Here's some of the newer builds in Metropolis RP (and a couple older ones too). Also I must apologize to anyone who reads this thread, unfortunately some lame people have spammed it up with drama crap. I'm not one to instigate things, I just want to continue playing BL and having fun with the people who are intelligent and respectful. Also, our server has surpassed 5000 players now, up to 5535 unique ID's who have joined Metropolis, why not be our next player? Everyone is welcome to my server from all skill levels.

Top: Trenton Connection, Custard's Wellsk Casino, Wellsk PD, Swat725's Trenton Police Department.
Bottom: Old Trenton Power, Sleven's house, Trenton Tower, Trenton City Port & Park.

Hey, I was bored so I figured I'd post some of the better builds in my server. I didn't make these, they were all made by non-admins. Also I forget who made each so if you remember let me know.

Top row: Unknown , Phydeoux, Sleven, Swat725.
Bottom row: Unknown , Unknown, Niliscro, Hogan.

And here's a few Admin builds, Police Station is by CeeCee and the others are by me. No pics of Swat's builds because they are currently WIP.

Admin List

Diggy (Host)
Swat725 (Super)
Skele (Super)
Truce (Admin)
LoserHero (Admin)
CeeCee (Admin)

DISCLAIMER: Any bricks or data associated with your ID is under ownership of the Server (and by extension its admins), therefore, any loss of data is the loss of the server's data. This can occur for various reasons, intentional or not. We take no responsibility for the incorrect idea that you own data on a PC somewhere miles away and offer no retribution for data loss.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 02:22:38 AM by [USSR] Diggy »

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 06:53:20 AM by chills58 »

Nice. What color set you useing?

It has around 100k bricks on the server.

We're closer to 90k these days, colourset is Trueno's.

I could've built something great here, unfortunantly, my computer starts to slow down on normal servers if they have about 65000 or more.

My build is still there, right?

So, I'm simply banned from this for joining Iban's server?
<things not allowed to be said in the gallery>

the builds are nice but im banned

these look very life-like and i could use them for one of my upcoming movies. May i use it? You will get full credit, of course. OMG Films.

Hey Diggy.
Man, we had so many good times on your server. :)
From zombies to police chases and half-ass military assaults. I can't think of anything that hasn't gone down there.

I'll drop in from time to time and see what you guys are up to. Probably not like before though, with school and all. And I've lost the whole RP thing because making money is easy for me now. :(
Maybe sometime I might revive my mob. That was interesting before we split and I made my casino that never came out of WIP. :P