Author Topic: Diggy's Metropolis Server  (Read 294084 times)

Currently having some issues with overheating, and network connections. The server should be running again soon though.

Dig when I post the link on the topic most likely on page 102 could you update it into the main topic as a new video?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 01:03:44 PM by suburb »

Sorry for double post but the video is up:
Video is now up and for some reason blocked in germany no idea why, but here it is:
Watch Here!

What. The. forget. I come on the Server Today(Sunday) And everybody yelled at me:"Qazi! Why Did you Demo Your House!", I was like Wtf... I did /mybrickcount and I had 0 bricks. So This has alreayd happend once, this is the second time, this has hit me hard. I want to know why this happend, and i want my crap back. Thank You.

Qazimoka, a lot of buildings were lost. Hell knows why. Stop whining.

Maybe alot were lost ,but Me and this guy shared a build on 2 dif lots, and only my half was gone coincidence? I Built the Build Anyway, so smae build style. There were no signs or anything.

Maybe alot were lost ,but Me and this guy shared a build on 2 dif lots, and only my half was gone coincidence? I Built the Build Anyway, so smae build style. There were no signs or anything.
Qazimoka, a lot of buildings were lost. Hell knows why. Stop whining.

Sorry for double post but the video is up:
Video is now up and for some reason blocked in germany no idea why, but here it is:
Watch Here!

sure, no prob. too bad the terrain is messed up in the first part haha, i wonder if its still like that...

What. The. forget. I come on the Server Today(Sunday) And everybody yelled at me:"Qazi! Why Did you Demo Your House!", I was like Wtf... I did /mybrickcount and I had 0 bricks. So This has alreayd happend once, this is the second time, this has hit me hard. I want to know why this happend, and i want my crap back. Thank You.

Moooannn... The cops arent letting me pay off my demerits and im a cop and I badly dont want to be demoted, plus Sly, Blizzard and Pressme have been pointlessly killing tons and tons and tons of times.

Moooannn... The cops arent letting me pay off my demerits and im a cop and I badly dont want to be demoted, plus Sly, Blizzard and Pressme have been pointlessly killing tons and tons and tons of times.
They've been randomly killing you because your a cop and I bet they're wanted. Anyways, nobody ever lets people pay their dems.

Moooannn... The cops arent letting me pay off my demerits and im a cop and I badly dont want to be demoted, plus Sly, Blizzard and Pressme have been pointlessly killing tons and tons and tons of times.
If you can find someone you trust to escort you to the PD, and make sure everyone knows you're paying dems, you have a decent chance.  Also, there's a secondary PD near the airport, no one ever goes to that one on the account that it's a little out of the way.  You'd probably be safer there, for future reference.

I was thinking about putting an ATM in the PD to make it a little easier to pay dems, but I'll check with CeeCee first, since it is her PD.

My 6 stars will never wear off. I don't want to go back in jail for 6 ticks again nor do I want to pay the dems off little by little.

D: Sly gets all the good stuff. While I was in jail, he goes on a spree with PressMe and ends up getting tons of exp