Author Topic: Me  (Read 4257 times)

forgetdammit, not another religion war.


Leave everyone the forget alone and don't start this bullstuff again.
i was getting pulled in D:

I don't care if you guys think i am a attention whore for this i want to know what i have done that is so hateful.
Lets see,
You stole maps,
You are an ID tribal,
You are an attention whore (hence this topic).

forgetdammit, not another religion war.


Leave everyone the forget alone and don't start this bullstuff again.

wasn't me yo

wasn't me yo

It was a general "shut up" to anyone who was thinking of participating.

Yeah, Here's 2:

You believe a big wizard-man made us all by saying 'LOLOL THIS GOES HERE XD'

You think the Bible is complete and aboslute truth. stuff gets blown out of proportion over 2000 years.
A guy could have seen 2 loaves of bread and 3 fish or something and gave another loaf of bread and fish. Then, 2000 years later, he's touching it and millions of the stuff appear.

Everyone hates you now. I hope you're proud.
Actually, I hated you the first time you stole Pandan's map.

At first I thought you were making a drama topic about my "Me :D" thread in creativity, and was like "Wtf did I do wrong this time?"

But no, you aren't the most hated as far as I'm concerned.

I was talking about the fact you said tribal.

Congrats on being an attention whore.

I'm sorry Regulith, but I have to...

Yeah, Here's 2:

You believe a big wizard-man made us all by saying 'LOLOL THIS GOES HERE XD'

You think the Bible is complete and aboslute truth. stuff gets blown out of proportion over 2000 years.
A guy could have seen 2 loaves of bread and 3 fish or something and gave another loaf of bread and fish. Then, 2000 years later, he's touching it and millions of the stuff appear.
I should slap you, call you a whore, rape your mother, and stuff down oyur through because of your stupidity.

What you are talking about is a Radical Fundamentalist. And from what I've seen from Ninjaboy, he is most likely conservative or mainstream.

You say we all believe god is this "big wizard-man" that farted everything into existance. Well, I can safely tell you that it complete and total bullstuff. I'm mainstream christian and I believe there is some form of supreme being, and I believe that he loves us unconditionally. I do believe he sent down Jesus Christ to save us, but I don't believe the Bible as complete and total truth. I take it as truthes, as a symbol for us to grow closer to God and to help us love others like he loves us.

I was talking about the fact you said tribal.
I meant discriminator.

You believe a big wizard-man made us all by saying 'LOLOL THIS GOES HERE XD'

Gah, forget, I just noticed my typoes!