
Tezuni is...

A immature butt-hurt child.
A normal person.

Author Topic: Tezuni  (Read 14276 times)

Right from under your fingertips.

79% say he's butt hurt.

This thread makes me not-disappoint.

What my point was is that I was neutral before.

Uhhh,that's not Tezuni.Correct me if I'm wrong but,didn't Tezuni give his brother his account?

Uhhh,that's not Tezuni.Correct me if I'm wrong but,didn't Tezuni give his brother his account?

Also, try using spaces after your periods and commas.
Don't give me the following excuse
"IM ON MY DSII!!!!111!!"


He's probably hosting a server to get out of his drama, to make people think he's a good person