New [USSR]

Author Topic: New [USSR]  (Read 160058 times)

may i join? ill upload pics of my app.

I'm very sorry for the lack of grammer wedge.. i was in a hurry. With that being siad is there any good sites?

Huh, I don't remember complaining about your grammar. Err, I guess is a good site.

Yeah imageshack is very good. The majority of the forum use it.

Between you (whoever quotes and reads this, or highlights it), and me, I don't know how long I'm going to stay in the clan. I've been busy playing other games the blockland, and playing other mods then rtb (not tbm), I haven't checked the clan forum in weeks, and I'm never in the server. I don't enjoy rating people's builds that much, or browsing through the collection of applications post. I don't think I'm cut out for running a clan, and I don't know if I even want to be in a clan. I don't think clans are stupid or anything, I'm just not sure if I want to be one. I'll just have entrepreneur in appoint a new leader. Don't ask if you can be one, the answer is NO. Also, don't make any posts asking why I left (since I made it very clear). No "OMG, WHY!?" posts. I'll still be around, posting in this thread, possibly popping into the server every once and a while, and maybe when things settle down, and Retail comes out, I'll join again. Or maybe not. One last suggestion, if anyone comes into the USSR server with the name Wedge, they are ban on sight. I'll let you guys know if I plan on comming.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2006, 01:51:31 PM by Wedge »

EDIT : I though you were just saying you weren't on right now, sorry... all I got was the second line of your post..
« Last Edit: September 10, 2006, 02:50:06 PM by Anti-Cop »

Should I? That was kinda sad Wedge... but this might be too harsh... so I'll do this other one instead...

I already know I'm awesome, but thanks for reassuring it. Also, we have 3 openings, and I think you are filling in one.

Goodbye, Wedge... you were always a fun guy.

Oh, and-

NOTE: I've updated the first post. See 'NEWS' and the Member's List.

:panda:   :panda:   :panda:
We will miss you!!!!

USSR Primary = down?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2006, 03:33:58 PM by Anti-Cop »

Shame members are leaving. It's odd and peculiar aswell. But I know you'll be filled up again before long.

I sence a dark future ahead of the ussr, lots of bad builders will swarm in, like small rocks that starts an avalance :/

I sence a dark future ahead of the ussr, lots of bad builders will swarm in, like small rocks that starts an avalance :/

I'll try to not let that happen....

Why does that not calm me?

Probably because it's me lol.