Author Topic: Need a Picture of my Avatar spinning  (Read 2016 times)

If you can, i will be happy
here is What it looks like

I suggest you get Adobe flash script, or get the cracked version, it's very simple. If you really want me too i can probebly get you the crack.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 04:49:56 PM by Badspot »

No talking about pirated software kthx.

Also, he wanted someone to do it for him.

No talking about pirated software kthx.

Also, he wanted someone to do it for him.

Well he is lazy then, it's not that hard to do it yourself. Don't expect others to make your avatar a .gif

And you're too lazy to buy the program. I'll give you 10 minutes to edit your first post.

I suggest you get Adobe flash script, or get the cracked version, it's very simple. If you really want me too i can probebly get you the crack. user was band for his toast

And you're too lazy to buy the program. I'll give you 10 minutes to edit your first post.
double toast, 3,2,1 EDIT!

And you're too lazy to buy the program. I'll give you 10 minutes to edit your first post.

Buying the software, that would pretty much cost anyone over the amount of your job income, are you saying you would waste that much when you could just get it free?

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 06:09:53 PM by Badspot »

black, if i remember thats illegal

black, if i remember that's illegal

Indeed it is, but most of the people on the internet would care less, i mean really if i wanted to pay Valve about $50.00 for Fear2, i would. Instead twentyfour hours later i found a torrent for it.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 06:10:00 PM by Badspot »

i thought he would've been banned by now, but i'm not going to report, pirating software doesn't offend me. i don't see why it would, but then i guess that's the key to being able to steal blockland, i guess =\

i thought he would've been banned by now, but i'm not going to report, pirating software doesn't offend me. i don't see why it would, but then i guess that's the key to being able to steal blockland, i guess =\

I don't think blockland is stealable, then again i wouldn't know. I guess i'll just keep my thoughts to myself about cracks.

to hell with movie producers and record companies.
but i feel for software and game developers.

lol remember back in the day (old guy story here)
pirating talk was all about images you saved off of websites. there were warnings and attempted anti save scripts all over pages.
now they like gave up or something.

If you dohave flash, tutorial please?