Author Topic: Xangszane - lol u su fony.  (Read 6386 times)

I wonder if this was the real Xang, and not just an idiot/troll
No it was Xang lol. He and I were laughing about all this on Blockland today.

Hah. Oh well I feel better now  :cookieMonster:

wow stopid no gramaar national socialists or ban

and lol @ doom. jocer kad is cute

User was banned for this post
Lol. Ass-hat Troll is banned.

Topic = Success.

xang was on Jourgers dogfight last night and he kept saying that he trolled me so bad. I told him everyone hates him and the only comeback he has is that he has Friends that still like him. Even though I'm pretty shure his friends don't like trolling unless they are a bunch of trainman1's

xang was on Jourgers dogfight last night and he kept saying that he trolled me so bad. I told him everyone hates him and the only comeback he has is that he has Friends that still like him. Even though I'm pretty shure his friends don't like trolling unless they are a bunch of trainman1's
Xang was on Jorgur's dogfight last night, and he kept saying that he trolled me so bad. I told him everyone hates him, and the only comeback he has is that he has friends that still like him. Even though I'm pretty sure his friends don't like trolling unless they are a bunch of trainman1's.

I can do this all day if you want me to. Please notify me if I missed something. Also, I am Pro-Xang.

You're taking this to seriously, so he types like a dumbass. He's cleary doing it on purpose, don't let it get to you to the point of making a drama topic.
lul ur a loser lolololololololololol XDDDDD

I can do this all day if you want me to. Please notify me if I missed something. Also, I am Pro-Xang.