Author Topic: Nice bump.  (Read 1654 times)

This ticks me off so much, when people say it. Every time I read that I eat a guitar (Reference to Pandan's piano eating.)


We say it as an insult. Just like "Nice fail" or "Nice intelligent post, idiot"

I know that, it doesn't make it any less annoying.

So the bump doesn't bother you as much as people making fun of the bumper? A legitimate concern if you cared about them constantly bumping the dead topic to do so, but that's not what annoys you.

P.S. Another generic "change your forum behavior" bitching topic. These never work.

I sort of suspected it wouldn't work, I just want other people's opinions.

"Nice bump" just tells you that you bumped a really old topic. Big deal.

Did you you know every time some does not post Nice bump in accidently bumped topic the topic goes back a few pages.

That you had to explain your joke makes it fail.