Author Topic: Hello  (Read 3042 times)

I just posted in the wrong section. :(
all well, my name is genocide and I love 3d art, I also love to do spray paint art! :)

Good job, you posted in the right section.


I think you have learned a lesson of this. look before you post.

Welcome to Blockland forums.
We hope you enjoy it :D.
Status: Member.

oh shut up Skyra, you. >:(

Welcome to Blockland the game were you build stuff.
i hope you have fun playing this awsome game!

Welcome to Blockland forums.
We hope you enjoy it :D.
Status: Member.

He is not cool.

  Don't let him fool you.

aware14, Fire Paw, and Skyra. You people don't seem to get it, I am not convinced that you are being nice or helpful at all. :(

Welcome to the forums, my good sir. Here are a few tips to set you on your way:
  • Never use an emote more than once unless you establish you are joking. For example:  :cookieMonster: + :cookie: = :panda:
  • Always try to use proper grammar and spelling. If your posts make absolutely no sense, you're doing something wrong.
           Examples of bad grammar are:
                Talking Like This.
                takn liek dis
                u should never talk like this on a forum
                Horrible punctuation
                And anything else that is considered a complete eyesore.
  • Never make a joke about anything unless you make sure everyone knows you are joking. Sarcasm is very hard to detect over the internet.
  • If the forums are getting annoying, never, and I mean never, make a Drama topic about it. It will be taken as a leaving post and you will be permanently banned. Just leave until you calm down and everything will be all right.
  • Never post multiple times in a row unless it was an accident. There is an edit button, use it.
  • Enjoy your stay here at the cesspit known as Blockland Forums.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 07:23:40 PM by Doorman »

I laughed at the cooke monster thing. :)
Thanks for the tips Doorman!

oh shut up Skyra, you. >:(
Hey just reviewing the last accident. Yes I now it was on accident. Don't worry others do this to.