Author Topic: Blockland's possibly, only flaw, in my opinnion.  (Read 4742 times)

Majority of Blockland's comunity is against ID racism, but, some of the members out there, that were there from the begginning, disgrace and reject us who bought/found out about the game later on.

Insults as " Newcigarette, friend, noob" Are thrown evryday at me. I tried to be as friendly i could, but none of the comunity's oldest members wouldn't stop insulting me for no reason. So this, has been my letter to all of you who made me some hard time.
Remember, all i wished was to befriend you...I won't leave Blockland or anything, but, most people will flame me for this.

I've been here sinch March, you've gotta just put up with it

And when will theese ( referring to the ones who ARE) hardasses accept us?

ID racism
Your Blockland ID is not a race. Please stop using this term. "ID discrimination", perhaps.

And when will theese ( referring to the ones who ARE) hardasses accept us?

I expect when newer people come along, you won't be so new anymore. Don't give up on your cool positive attitude and turn into another one of these richards, just stick to your guns and it'll be all gravy eventually.

Im starting to get fine, the hate is leaving 12k's too somewhere in 14k-17k (It isn't out 17ks  :cookieMonster:)

Ephi, come now. I was just picking at him, no reason to delete my post.

Ephialtes, i am a 10K Id'er. You can't even IMMAGINE how older players discriminate them.

"So, I heard all 10ks are incestuous is that true?"- Goon#1 "Probably. LOLOELEOL" - Goon#2

Ephi, come now. I was just picking at him, no reason to delete my post.

Either I delete it or you get a 2 week ban, take your pick princess.

Ephialtes, i am a 10K Id'er. You can't even IMMAGINE how older players discriminate them.

I can imagine, sure. I've seen it happening plenty of times and it blows but it's not going to change soon so my advice would be to suck it up and just learn to ignore it. Play on respectable servers where people don't act like that. Just don't get sour over it because that'll do you no favours.

Ephialtes, i am a 10K Id'er. You can't even IMMAGINE how older players discriminate them.
You seem like a decent person.  Your always welcome on my server!

Either I delete it or you get a 2 week ban, take your pick princess.

I'll go with the first option, I get lonely. :cookieMonster:

This is not a flaw in the game, this is a flaw in the community.

I like ID's, it proves that people weren't here on Release even though they clam to be.

Majority of Blockland's comunity is against ID racism, but, some of the members out there, that were there from the begginning, disgrace and reject us who bought/found out about the game later on.

Insults as " Newcigarette, friend, noob" Are thrown evryday at me. I tried to be as friendly i could, but none of the comunity's oldest members wouldn't stop insulting me for no reason. So this, has been my letter to all of you who made me some hard time.
Remember, all i wished was to befriend you...I won't leave Blockland or anything, but, most people will flame me for this.

i'll tell you right now,

I am 8186 BL_ID. I get pissed when people bitch about any ID higher than theirs. It proves they're stupid enough to go "Hay, dat gui hav 10k+ Idee, les ban hem".

Honestly, People who are admin'ed in my servers who do that get pretty mad. I De-Admin them and ignore them until they leave. Then sometimes i get bitched at in IRC. Do what I do, ignore them. They're idiots who want to be cool.