Author Topic: Blockland's possibly, only flaw, in my opinnion.  (Read 4743 times)

I have only been hated by Tezuni (and some other people not worth mentioning here).

Just hang on, don't stop building when discouraged, ask questions, regardless or not other people think they are dumb, and make sure to learn how to port forward, and host you own server.

And the most important thing, do not act like your a bad-ass guy that thinks he is all that and a Bag 'o Chips.

I don't "hate" anyone on blockland.  I don't even dislike you all too much.  I am just dissapointed in your behavior. 

I hate people that are tribal

A lot of people ID discriminate. Luckly my id is kinnda low, so I didn't deal with it all that much. But, it'll blow over soon.

Maturity /=/ ID #
Maturity > ID #
In other words, I dun care bout' them ID's.

Prejudice is stupid in general.

I don't "hate" anyone on blockland.  I don't even dislike you all too much.  I am just disappointed in your behavior. 
That's your problem.
It's the exact reason behind your recent ban.

Your idea that..
Your behavior > Everyone else's
Is flawed.

That's your problem.
It's the exact reason behind your recent ban.

Your idea that..
Your behavior > Everyone else's
Is flawed.

I never said that Pandan.  Really, your twisting of my words is getting old.  Stop instigating fights and arguments.  You've beat the dead horse a few too many times, and it's getting quite old.  Grow up, really dude no need to constantly try and start arguments between us.

No, Pandan is right.
 <3 Pandyman

I am just dissapointed in your behavior. 

You sound like my dad...

And in my opinion you seemed pretty pissed off at me. :D

Its odd but true.
I feel that 12k's+ are generally the stupid ones.  There are exceptions.
It doesn't even matter if your good at the game or not, just don't spam, don't ask for admin, and don't ask too many questions.

I don't hate anyone on blockland.  I don't even dislike you all too much.  I am just dissapointed in your behavior. 
I feel the same, except that I'm apparently behaving poorly.

I never said that Pandan.  Really, your twisting of my words is getting old.  Stop instigating fights and arguments.  You've beat the dead horse a few too many times, and it's getting quite old.  Grow up, really dude no need to constantly try and start arguments between us.
You're thoughts are flawed in so many ways.
If i was the one in need to grow up. I would have been banned for flaming someone's add-ons out of pure jealousy on several accounts.

Because all non-grownups flame add-ons out of jelousy.

Because all non-grownups flame add-ons out of jealousy.
Tezuni isn't a great example of a non-grownup.

What if it's not out of jealousy?