Author Topic: Post your halloween mask and or costume.  (Read 4772 times)

I would :P

Why do you keep going around saying "I would"

stop it.

Why do you keep going around saying "I would"

stop it.
You have a problem with mah catchphrase? You could just ignore it, you know :P

You have a problem with mah catchphrase? You could just ignore it, you know :P

I can't ignore it, it's too handicapped to ignore.

I can't ignore it, it's too handicapped to ignore.
How is it handicapped? It's not like i say 'like' all the time or something.

How is it handicapped? It's not like i say 'like' all the time or something.

Because you're basically answering a question when nobody is asking you.
We don't care if "you would (have love with her)". Leave it to yourself.

Because you're basically answering a question when nobody is asking you.
We don't care if "you would (have love with her)". Leave it to yourself.
I never said i wanted to have love with her although i meant that this time round. I could have said the same comment to a picture of a rather smexy computer tower, that doesn't mean I'd like to forget it.

Back on topic...
I got a viking helmet :D

Well last year i was a mustard bottle.... so this year.. i don't no... ill post it when i get it :/

Joeboy: Your catch phrase is gay.
Frager: Ignore it. Get on with life.

Eat my stuff.

One more...
I'd hit that, all night long
Edit: That's like border line adult content
« Last Edit: October 11, 2009, 11:20:49 AM by Joker Card »

I'm probably going to be wearing my costume from last year, a jellyfish, as illustrated in this slightly awkward photo of me.

I'm not even going to get candy.
And if I do, I'll sit at my window in a suit, eating it, with my katana and European sword handy, just to be an starfish.