Author Topic: A Medieval rp (The Legend of the Block(Do you like that name?)  (Read 2709 times)

Hey i thought of makeing up my own midevil rp. So far im haveing fun with it i havent goten far but i can tell i need some help. here are some pics

Starting area

1.General store (this is where you spawn and sell your items (W.I.P.)

2.Fishing pond (this is where you fish Done)

3.The mine (this is where you mine,smelt, and forge. W.I.P.)

4.Birds eye (this is where you see everything)(I updated now its... more full...)

5.Teleport room (you will be sent here to well... teleport)

Help Please

Ok its apparent that i need help, But, the problem is i cant port forward... soo... it would be nice if you could host a server of corse theres a few things you need to dl. Or maby you cant host a server, if you know a friend that will run a dedi so we can build thats fine too.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 10:05:22 PM by lost477 »

Stop. Take a deep breath. Put down the 2x2f you use to build. Listen.

Do not. Ever. Make. An. RPG. Until. You. Can. Spell. Medieval. Correctly. There are 100s of these, they're all crap. I guarantee it won't' be fun or interesting. You'll click to mine and all your text events will be red. You're a reasonably good builder, but please, use your skills for something else.

No actually all my text events are white. I find red to... well do i really need to say it...
Oh and by the way your comment is not going to stop me from building it.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 12:43:56 PM by lost477 »

Add a tutorial place.scratch that, add a starting guide.scratch that, put a starting areascratch it AGAIN! put a Tutorial Area.

I think it's to boxy
put some Quests more bots and get the Bot_event so you can give the bots some hats packs.
But good start 5/10

Btw here is the link to Bot Event
Add a tutorial place.scratch that, add a starting guide.scratch that, put a starting areascratch it AGAIN! put a Tutorial Area.
oh sorry forgot to mention that this is the starting area. Your goal is to find the wizard to teleport you to another city Thats where you adventure begins. :D
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 01:01:04 PM by lost477 »

i say don't try to build an rpg. build a medieval town all nice and perty first.

events and bullstuff can be added to a build at any time afterward.

Stop. Take a deep breath. Put down the 2x2f you use to build. Listen.

Do not. Ever. Make. An. RPG. Until. You. Can. Spell. Medieval. Correctly. There are 100s of these, they're all crap. I guarantee it won't' be fun or interesting. You'll click to mine and all your text events will be red.
QTF. So true, so true..

There's no "mod"
well i am wondering how he made it...
i saw something similar to this and it had skills and things like that.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 09:27:38 PM by pitfall »

No mod just variables.