Author Topic: entrepreneur My Ride  (Read 3903 times)

What To Do

Method 1 - Just right click on one of the templates, and hit "Save Image As..." Go into your editor, and hit "Open" and browse for what you saved the image as.

Method 2 - Right click, and hit "Copy Image". Go into your editor, and either right click > Paste, or Edit > Paste. It depends what you're using.

Recommended Editors

Pretty much anything will work.

- Microsoft Paint (default on PCs)
- Adobe PhotoShop CS2, 3, or 4
- Paint.NET (free to download here)
- GIMP (free to download here)


- Don't Google your images.
- Don't do something simple and stupid like just adding a line and say you entrepreneur ed it.
- Don't use someone else's edit.

Templates - More coming soon. Feel free to make your own. Note: These were made in MSP.


Delivery Truck


Semi - Box Trailer

Semi - Vehicle Carrier


PickUp Truck

Get going!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 05:02:42 PM by Caution »

Not my best, but I hope you like.


Didn't care enough to color, but you still get the concept.


Didn't care enough to color, but you still get the concept.
marry me?

Didn't care enough to color, but you still get the concept.

That car is a spy!

Didn't care enough to color, but you still get the concept.

Lol! I never would've thought of doing that.

EDIT: Bait car. :P
« Last Edit: October 11, 2009, 11:48:02 AM by Caution »