Author Topic: Rocket DM.  (Read 2934 times)

Just a simple build I made last night. Using it for a 24/7 Rocket DM server. Even though it's very simple, I think it's fun to play.

Zang and Dev were there too, and we killed some dumases.

Xang got 133 points, I got 108 :D

Mainly made to test the dedicated minigame mod.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 03:55:37 PM by -Mike- »

Where are the roc- oh.


Xang told me to post on the foroms or ban :(

Also I'm hosting right now but it's boring because there are only two people D:

It looks pretty nice. Rocky lands are fun to fight in. May we rate?

Mainly made to test the dedicated minigame mod.

OffTopic: I went to the topic and I can't find the link for the mod. Any words on that?

« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 06:55:19 PM by Pliny the Younger »

You mean the one on ScatteredSpace right? I think you need to be logged in.

ok in your all opinoins what would be more fun, having couple of blocks of buildings where you can run around in(or with zombies)but can't hide in the buildings just on the streets,rooftops and allys, or this. i honestly don't see the fun in this.

The fun is:

Rocket jumping
Blowing people into the sky.

Good old abused' Afghanistan dm fails.

don't see the fun in it, i tried rocket jumping, jump with fire of rocket launcher and it took half my health

You were killing dumases?