Author Topic: Backwards Thread  (Read 7450 times)

Has anyone heard of quoting from the future?

I think someone should bring up something about the future. Involving the letter Q.

ami doin it rite?

my snake stopped growing when I was 12, but by then it was a 2-foot monster.

Oh wow, now that you posted that, I bet Tc572's gonna come along and be all like "inb4somethingaboutasnake"

Off topic: 666 views.

Will you please stop talking to me in 3rd person?

* Miga says you need to get outside more often!

i want my daddys snake but he wont gime he say he no have 1 so thats why im so angryy


I may have just fallen in love.
Then I realize I haven't.

That wasn't an insult.
well it sounded like "nice post" and then "nah, not really"...

well it sounded like "nice post" and then "nah, not really"...

Find me the man who falls in love with a woman over the internet so I can kill him.