Author Topic: Force 'Free Look' on  (Read 558 times)

Is there a way I can force a client in the server go into "free look" mode and stay there? I can do it clientside by toggleFreeLook(1); but that won't affect other people.

I think you could with some form of playtread and setthreaddir or something.
Dump Player and experiment.

I can play the "headside" animation to get the turning effect, but that doesn't actually make the camera go to the side.

I guess that part is engine or client sided.

what about command to client?

what about command to client?
No available command to call...
It's engine based.

No available command to call...
It's engine based.
function serverCmdFreelookA(){freelook(1);}
function serverCmdFreelookB(){freelook(0);}
Would that work?

function serverCmdFreelookA(){freelook(1);}
function serverCmdFreelookB(){freelook(0);}
Would that work?

I suggest you learn the difference between client and server before trying to help people here.