Author Topic: Should a player be banned for treating a higher BLID player badly???  (Read 1795 times)

Well you decide I just thought of this cuz it's happened to me and I don't think anyone appreciates it

Not banned. Taught. I thought he meant discrimination. No, pulling the "I'm a high ID" card is for idiots.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 07:17:37 PM by Doomonkey »

alternately the higher ID should be punched in the face if he's trying to blame a lower ID for ID discrimination, simply because the lower ID doesn't like him

well thought out. in my opinion i think it shouldn't be tolerated unless the higher ID is being a noob

This is why showing IDs is disabled by default, to stop these loving morality issues that happen again and again

This is as stupid as playing your race card.  Actually try to learn how to behave and you won't see this problem from intelligent people.

An ID lower then me called me an idiot. Ok, so? Then someone with a higher ID called me an idiot. Should the lower ID get banned for doing the same thing? Higher ID does not make you insult proof

i think so to that the biger id is being a big noob and blaming the lower id i think the higher one should be band.

i just think that some people with really low id's can sometimes act like they're all that so dont blame all the low id's

You are a generally unlikable person. Most people will not get along with you. The correlation to ID number is imaginary.

It's stupid to judge him by one post, unless you've met and spent time with him, I doubt you can determine that he is unlikeable.
Assuming you weren't there when he was banned, it's impossible for you to know if the ban was justifiable or not.

Offtopic: Oh my,its been a year or so and i have come back and theres alot of new faces here. Ontopic: I dont think someone should be banned over this,but it is pretty annoying sometimes.

You guys will end up making badspot disable ID's completely.

You guys will end up making badspot disable ID's completely.

That would be nice. Then the only thing everyone will be whining about is Roblox and the usual drama.