Author Topic: Ear entrepreneur le?  (Read 2771 times)

Ok, so, maybe 4 days ago, I started feeling this bump INSIDE of my ear lobe. It felt like a small ball was growing on the inside of it.
It's as if I have a entrepreneur le on my ear lope, only it is growing backwards. The only thing that you can see of it on the outside is a tiny little bump.
What is it? What can I do?

Ah   , go get checked . It might be cancer.

Har har har.


I remember hard nipples around 7th grade, there was this ball inside your nipple feeling. Me and my friends all had it thought it was a tumor.

I have had it for like 6 months, its going away now
Tip: Don't mess with it, its fine to feel, but don't try to pop like a zit, gives humungus pain and makes it grow bigger.

yup it is an ear entrepreneur le, i have 4 health teachers in my school and they said mine was an ear entrepreneur le.


I remember hard nipples around 7th grade, there was this ball inside your nipple feeling. Me and my friends all had it thought it was a tumor.
lol you guys were stupid

Ignore it. You'll mutilate your ear before you do anything about it.

lol you guys were stupid

We all laughed at it in 8th grade.


I remember hard nipples around 7th grade, there was this ball inside your nipple feeling. Me and my friends all had it thought it was a tumor.

i had that too :o

Everyone has it, it's a part of puberty........

My friend gets those all the time he has his ears pierced, it is a minor infection in your ear.

I have a sty on my eyelid and another one is coming in on the other one.

One of my nipples are bigger than the other one.

There are worse places to get entrepreneur les :cookieMonster: